Monday, October 25, 2010

Suspended Labour Councillor of shame Ruth Black sees her closed gay centre probed by police over finances, her political career stone cold dead

Dear All

It is out; the official explanations for the closure of a controversial gay and lesbian centre, Castro which was linked to shamed ex-council boss Steven ‘bin laden’ Purcell.

A report by Glasgow City Council highlights a series of “irregularities”.

And for good measure, the Police have been called in to investigate.

The centre was dogged by allegations of cronyism which is common to all political parties in power as they fund special interest groups where their party members play an active role.

Before the shutters were dragged down, former Labour Councillor of Shame Ruth Black and her crew who ran it spent £64,000 of taxpayer money.

The rest of the cash £35,000 was not spent and returned to the Council of shame as it was part of a grant.

Ruth Black ran the centre with her long-term partner Jeannie McDougall who has links to her step-brother, the late underworld figure Stewart ‘Specky’ Boyd, and former gangland leader Paul Ferris.

Black has also been interviewed by police over the use and supply of drugs in Purcell’s circle of friends.

Yet again, the Glasgow Labour Party is linked to organised crime.

After the ‘Prince of Powder’ Steven Purcell fled the city, the murky world of how Glasgow Labour Councillors operated had a light shined on it, vast amounts of money, public money ended in the pockets of Labour Councillors of shame.

Already we have seen how Glasgow Labour Party who control the city work, jobs and contracts to family, friends, associates and Labour donors.

One Labour donor Willie Haughey who gave the Labour Party a £1 million pounds benefited to the tune of £20 million in contracts.

In Glasgow, there is an established gay and lesbian group called Glasgay.

These people were bypassed in favour of Ruth Black and Castro, you could say that Glasgay are the market leader rather like Heinz is to bake beans and they missed out on that money.

At present Ruth Black is suspended by the Labour Party as the Police investigation is on going, this is the standard tactic by the Labour Party to bury their problems. One thing I think is certain is that the Glasgow Labour Party will be looking to replace her in 2012.

As for Ruth Black, her political career such as it was is heavily damaged to the extent she is a liability.

Although people can stomach financial incompetence up to a point, cronyism doesn’t sit well with the public.

It doesn’t sit well at all.

And what Labour activists will be willing to campaign for her now?

Even die hard activists draw a line in the sand sometimes when they can't stomach it.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. this report can be seen on the Glasgow City Council website, council Diary, which is to be discussed at an exectuive meeting on Friday.
    This is the same exec meeting who gave her the money in the first place so i think a lot of red faces all round on this one.
    As for Glasgay, they are an LGBT community but solely cater for "higherend" arty farty types, not for mainstream lgbt community groups, though probabaly now they will want to try and rebuild an LGBT community for the people of Glasgow.
    On the other hand, not many mainstream users of lGBT services would welcome Glasgay as an option and there are reasons behind this.

    Glasgow does need a LGBT Community venue only this time a venue with no ties whatsover to previous centres and the people who ran them, the very same people, whom today, are still blamed for the closure of the previous Glasgow LGBT centre.

    Ruth Black's political career is and should be well and truely over.
    The fact that she let herself get into the gunge of these illicit affairs only goes to show, shes not worth the hassle.
    This is the same woman who was supposed to be giving evidence for the crown in the on going Tommy Tango Sheridan case so i wonder whay they dropped her from the witness list.....or have they?.

  2. Where is this report? I can't find it... does anyone have a link?

  3. Found it!

    Ruth Black betrayed the LGBT community, it's so disappointing.
