Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Frances Curran tells court she asked Tommy Sheridan to stand down as SSP leader at Edinburgh Hotel, Sheridan talks loyalty, Curran talks honesty

Dear All

People regard 13 as an unlucky number, for Tommy Sheridan, it certainly appears to be so.

13 is the number of witnesses ranged against him so far including, Former Scottish Socialist Party MSP Frances Curran.

At the hit trial in the High Court, she said that she asked Tommy Sheridan to step down as leader of the party.

The reason of this request she alleges is that he admitted he had visited a swingers' club with a News of the World sex columnist Anvar Khan.

Ms Curran told Sheridan's perjury trial that she heard him make the admissions during the emergency meeting at the party's Stanley Street headquarters on November 9, 2004.

Another torpedo below the water for the SS Sheridan, soon he and his wife will be floating about on the wreckage.

The next day, after having a night to sleep on it, Frances Curran and SSP MSP Colin Fox meet Sheridan for tea and biscuits in an Edinburgh hotel.

The purpose of the tea and biscuits to dull the pain of asking Sheridan to step down as leader!

She told the court:

"The court action was the big problem for us. We couldn't get the party locked into lying in a court action. We were trying to decouple the party from the court action. He could stay as convener if he was prepared to either put his hand up or shut up."

Shut up was good advice.

An exchange of views followed.


"We said to Tommy: 'Are you going to take the court action?'

Sheridan said:


Curran:" said:

“Well, we want your resignation. He said: 'For f***'s sake, Frances. I would have expected more loyalty from you. I said: 'Tommy, I would have expected more honesty and principle from you.”

Some people think once they scale the heights that everyone will rally round or be forced to rally round them but in politics, that is seldom the case.

People aren’t prepared to lie and see their own career sunk.Ms Curran also said Sheridan was convinced there was "not one scintilla" of proof that he had visited the club, and told her "There is nothing that can tie me to that".

I think a jury sitting listening to this might have other ideas.

So far what is in the public domain of who said what and when doesn’t look good for Tommy Sheridan.

Although he is having his day in Court, every day appears from this viewer to be a day closer to be banged up in Barlinnie.

The trial, before Lord Bracadale continues and the Sheridan’s deny all charges.

And before I forget, didn’t Katrine Trolle look positively beaming as she was going in and out of the High Court, rather surprising for a woman who admitted to being gang banged.

Mind you they are very liberal in Denmark.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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