Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Unelectable Tory MSP Ted Brocklebank is not seeking re-election at the 2011 Holyrood elections, the public never voted him into public office once

Dear All

Scottish Conservative MSP Ted Brocklebank is not seeking re-election at the 2011 Holyrood elections.

If I was to sum up his contribution, I would be stumped, like most MSPs at Holyrood, he hasn’t set the heather on fire.

Now he is going, Annabel Goldie has thanked him for "an important contribution" to the Conservative MSP group and to the parliament”.

Check his wiki page, his contribution seems sparse to the point of non-existent.

The 67-year-old former journalist was elected as a member for Mid-Scotland and Fife in May 2003 through the list system.

Brocklebank says it had been an "immense privilege" to serve his constituents, can’t he think up something more original than that, this seems to be the standard phrase used by politicians.

Now that he is stepping down, at 67 years old, he wants to return to his former career in broadcasting.

He will be lucky. Unless he has managed to network effectively, I don’t see him getting a job.

7 years out of presenting is a long time.

Scottish Tory leader Annabel Goldie said:

"We shall miss Ted very much".

Given that the Tories might be plotting against her, who will say; ‘We shall miss Annabel very much’?

His big claim to fame if you can describe it as that was as the Scottish Conservatives former rural development and fisheries spokesman.

Resigning in February 2007 in protest over a policy U-turn by Tory leader David Cameron who bottled it when threatening to withdraw the UK from the EU common fisheries policy, no one really noticed.

The MSP is currently spokesman for Europe, external affairs and culture and I can’t remember him speaking on that ever in the press or on television!

He was hardly a star turn.

Brocklebank said:

"It has been an immense privilege to serve the people of Mid-Scotland and Fife and I have greatly enjoyed my time in the Scottish Parliament. I don't see myself putting my feet up and playing with the grandchildren. I feel very active. I've enjoyed my eight years but I'm equally looking forward to getting back to my old trade. It will be good to re-discover my non-partisan voice again, especially on fisheries and media matters."

And off goes Ted Brocklebank, I suspect he will get a gong from the Queen for his contribution to public service.

He might even get a knighthood since there is now a Tory/Lib Dem Government.

Ted Brocklebank, Tory MSP, 2003 to 2011.

Soon to be gone and soon to be forgotten.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

1 comment:

  1. Как говорилось на У моего молодого человека есть мечта - машина. И вот вот она обязана осуществиться, но каждый день возникают какие-то обстоятельства и машина откладывается. Недавно у нас была годовщина встреч. И что-то подтолкнуло меня подарить ему коллекционную модель машинки его мечты. Это очень великолепная машинка, сделана как истинная, двери все открываются, руль крутится, вообщем очень прикольная вещь =) Но мой МЧ так не посчитал....как оказалось своим презентом я его задела, мол презент с иронией, он так мечтает о машине, а я ему игрушку подарила, что бы он по столу с ней игрался....свои обиды он отрицает, но по нему видно, что он недоволен и расстроен. Я очень переживаю по этому поводу....скажите я действительно преподнесла ему обидный презент????
