Thursday, August 12, 2010

Armed robber Christopher McSorley from Glasgow University jailed for five years and eight months, list of Glasgow Uni trash polluting Scotland grows

Dear All

It seems that the incompetence at Glasgow University knows no bounds in turning out poorly educated people into society.

Christopher McSorley of Glasgow University (now prison) has been jailed for five years and eight months.

Attempted armed robbery!

He tried to hold up a branch of Ladbrokes in Ayr on 25 May this year using a toy gun!

What a clown, he should have got a job in the Publicity Office of Glasgow University, they badly need a spelling instructor.

The High Court in Edinburgh heard how the incompetent was arrested after being wrestled to the ground by three customers who kicked the shit out of him, deservedly so.

The court heard how he walked into the bookmakers wearing sun glasses, a baseball cap and with a bandana covering the lower part of his face.

And equipped with his toy gun set out to clear his gambling debts after reading in his local paper that no-one had been caught for a series of bookmaker robberies.

His luck ran out.

McSorley’s high profile case follows on the back of prolific Glasgow University Child Sex Predator Andrew Byrne, the ‘Beast of Gilmorehill’.

If only McSorley had read about Dr Brendan Wallace who dressed up in a mini skirt and worked as a male whore this unfortunate event could have been avoided.

Wallace sold himself for £40 a pop and as they say in Blackadder, ‘there’s good money to be made down the docks’.

If McSorley was really keen on wanting to take money from others, he should have got advice from corrupt foreigner Anton Muscatelli, Principal of Glasgow University.

He covered up multiple criminal frauds by university senior management staff, you can read this here.

Muscatelli helped facilitate by failing to act despise being sent a complete set of university documents that expose staff bullies and thieves, SRS Director Julie Ommer and Christopher Gilmore.

Now, McSorley has been caged and the legacy and list of Glasgow University trash increases.

Glasgow University, a taxpayer funded cesspit.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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