Saturday, June 19, 2010

Tam Baillie wants “A Right Blether” with kids to know what they want, it is easy, they want a range of options to learn and enjoy themselves

Dear All

Scotland has a children’s tsar.

The current Commissioner for Children and Young People is Tam Baillie.

He wants to know what children and young people want.

They want opportunities Mr. Baillie that is it in a broad brushstroke.

As part of a consultation thousands of pounds of public cash has been spent transforming Tam Baillie into a cartoon character in a project to tell youngsters what his job is.

But as I prefer to call it justifying his existence!

The consultation is called “A Right Blether” which will see Baillie travelling the country asking children how he can improve their lives.

He could start by lobbying for money to save Community Centres, pushing for the introduction of an Australian Kids Sports Programme, turning SportScotland in a national coaching qualification organisation, setting up an after school program for school children to learn academic interest courses like introduction to law, medicine and other subjects broadening horizons.

There are tons of ideas which children would want delivered which have value beyond learning.

So, in his search of knowledge Tam Baillie, the Commissioner for Children and Young People spent £26,000 on a package of promotional materials. £3,000 went on producing 40,000 badges, £3,300 on 10,000 bags and £1,400 on 2,500 stress balls.

Perhaps if children had decent facilities and activities to go to after school they wouldn’t need ‘stress balls’.

Freedom of information show the Commissioner and his 16-strong team’s promotional budget will be increased to more than £160,000 over the next year which is a sizeable chunk of change in any man’s language.

I think kids really want more than stickers, posters, badges, stress balls and bags.

They want someone who has ideas that will provide services and infrastructure so they can learn and enjoy.

Tory education spokeswoman Liz Smith said:

“I think a lot of parents would like to know where this money is actually going”.

It is going on useless ‘tat’.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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