Friday, June 18, 2010

Strike threat to city venues as Culture and Sport staff start to destroy Glasgow’s ability to be sporting destination, targeted strikes are the way

Dear All

The sun is shining and people are angry, well down at Culture and Sport they are.

Unions are now up for all-out closure of some of Scotland’s leading tourist attractions as the increasingly bitter dispute over pay and conditions worsens.

The Labour appointee Bridget McConnell with of Labour MSP Jack McConnell has lost total control of the situation.

She gets paid circa £132k.

But the public can’t get access to world class facilities.

Staff at Culture and Sport Glasgow this weekend will picket outside the veterans UK Swimming Masters at Tollcross.

It is quite a good tactic because it is a good way of getting their message out at how unfairly they have been treated.

Targeted strikes cause much more damage than the blanket bombing strikes of closing everything.

High profile action causes high profile embarrassment; it shows Bridget McConnell up for what she is, no leader, no solutions and no vision.

It is not surprising that eventually all the Labour controlled Aleos would start to implode; ask your self this question:

‘Why is the best person for a quango job in Labour controlled Glasgow connected to the Labour Party’?

As well as the Tollcross picket, union members threaten to disrupt the Super 8 UK Athletics Championships which will take place at the Scotstoun Stadium in July.

This event will feature world and Olympic champions.

And the press will be there in strength.

The time for talking at this point has come to end; it is now about how much pain each side can take during the dispute.

Culture and Sport want to change terms and conditions for employees, in effect make them poorer and work them harder.

Bridget McConnell £132k, she isn’t taking any pain.

If the sun is shining this weekend and you want to support your fellow Glaswegians pop along to the swimming gala and stand in line with the 50 workers expected to be on the picket line.

A spokesman for Culture and Sport said:

“The unions want to cause maximum disruption to the public, by targeting high-profile events and some of our best-loved facilities”.

I think they want more than that, I think they want Bridget McConnell to resign and better management put in place.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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