Thursday, June 17, 2010

Labour MSP Frank McAveety quits as Petitions Convener at Holyrood after he finds out 'dark, dusky' girl is 15, ‘watch them words, watch them words!

Dear All

Yesterday Frank McAveety made a fool of himself by making comments about a girl sitting in the audience at Holyrood.

The girl lusted over as 'dark and dusky' is just 15 years old.

Today, we find out he has quit as convener of Holyrood's petitions committee.

Off the cuff comments were bad enough but when McAveety found out she was just 15 that was the straw that broke the Camel’s back.

At that point he was sunk!

As well as resigning from the convener ship he has stepped down as Labour Sports spokesman.

To add to his tale of woe, he is married with two kids himself.

His wife isn’t happy either about the comments:

“There's a very attractive girl in the second row. Dark and dusky. We'll maybe put a wee word out for her. She's very attractive, very nice, very slim. The heat's getting to me. She's got that Filipino look - the kind you'd see in a Gauguin painting.”

No stranger to gaffes, this will blow over, it is chip paper wrapper and his career will go on.

He can add this to his previous gaffe collection which includes ‘piegate’.

Prior to this McAveety had built up a good reputation as the Petitions Convener so although he is taking the hit, it isn’t the end of the world.

Of course other political parties will try to make capital but given the circumstances others should let this drop, he has a wife and kids.

To try and make more of this than it is would be plain nasty.

It is done and over with in my opinion.

In the movie, ‘She wore a yellow ribbon’, Victor McLaglen shouts to assembled troops:

“Men we are going to have women on this trip so watch them words, watch them words”.

Sage advice for Frank!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

1 comment:

  1. Storm in a teacup.

    move along please, thank you.
