Monday, June 21, 2010

Culture and Sport in £50k name change to ‘Glasgow life’, sounds like a sentence handed down at Glasgow murder trial

Dear All

A while ago I made a point about how the Glasgow Labour Party who runs the Labour Council of shame operates.

My question was why the best candidates for jobs and contracts in Glasgow seem to have connections to the Labour Party?

Not an unreasonable ask you may think given so much of Glasgow’s money has ended up in the pockets of the Labour Party, Labour Party members, relatives, associates and Labour donors.

Culture and Sport is in crisis, it is a council-owned company which wants to cut staff pay and conditions.

But as the cuts agenda figures in everyone’s mind at present, they have still found time to hand cash to a consultancy firm linked to one of its own board members.

Bless their little Labour Party cotton socks, every penny helps.

Culture and Sport is run if you can describe it as that by Bridget McConnell, wife of Jack McConnell.

The Staff are involved in a series of strikes, so much for her management skills.

So, £53,210 has been shipped over to a consultancy firm for a name change.

Sitting on the board is the millionaire banker Angus Grossart and both contracts, one for “strategic research” and the other focused on design and implementation have went to Edinburgh-based Tayburn Ltd.

Noble Grossart Ltd, the firm owned by Grossart is a major shareholder in Tayburn’s parent company.

The new name is ‘Glasgow Life’.

That’s it?

£53,210 buys the people of Glasgow, “strategic research”, two words and a logo?

How is this crap supposed to motivate people?

There is no buzz to it, ‘Glasgow Life’ sounds like a sentence handed down in a murder trial.

There are four independent directors of Culture and Sport:

The Rt Hon The Lord Macfarlane of Bearsden KT
Sir Angus Grossart
The Rt Hon George Reid
Mr Mel Young

How many of them live in Glasgow?

Why is that the people of Glasgow need independent directors who don’t live in our city to help run leisure facilities?

Is it because we are too poor, too wee and too stupid?

We must be to let £53, 210 walk out the door.

And finally, remember the £53,210 didn’t go to a Glasgow company.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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