Monday, June 7, 2010

Councillors given guide to sensible blogging but Labour Councillor of shame Terry Kelly is a pure nut job, someone should save a stamp and envelope

Dear All

Every councillor in Scotland has been issued with a guide on how to use internet blogs.

Some Councillors use their blogs to communicate with their constituents letting them know what they have been up to and general information about the area.

Others use their blogs to sound off and have a pop at people.

Labour Councillor of shame Terry Kelly is someone who is a pure nut job.

His crap can be found;

He attracts a lot of abuse and considers himself to be a political heavyweight and deep thinker, neither is the case in my opinion.

So, now that Kelly will receive an 11-page briefing advising hmn to make good use of online social networking to help make their ­presence felt in communities, can that be achieved?

No, once a rocket, always a rocket!

The ability to read doesn’t translate in all cases with an ability to absorb knowledge and understand.

Published by local government body the Improvement Service, the 11 page booklet urges councillors like Kelly to be honest in blogs.

Truth and Kelly seem distant from my dealings with him, his stock in trade is to form an opinion and abuse people.

He throws wild allegations about like confetti and then sits back and waits for a reply to see if he has done any damage.

It would be fair to say by googling that Kelly is hated judging by comments on the internet.

This is one 11 page booklet that has come far too late to make a difference.

Of course other political parties have their problems too, the SNP faced the rise of the ‘Cybernats’, some of whom like constituency officer manager Mark MacLachlan hid their identity before he was outed.

The Tories had Tory Westminster hopeful and Glasgow University alumni Philip Lardner, suspended for writing on his website that gay people are “not normal”.

Labour general election candidate Stuart MacLennan hit the buffers and was dropped after posting insults about people in Moray where he was standing.

SNP Councillor Grant Thoms ran a blog called Tartan Hero which he shut down because people took some of his views to task.

The guide to good blogging says no blogs are perfect, but urges councillors to use them to create a “better appreciation of their personality”.

I have met some politicians in passing so that might not be a good idea.

As for people like Labour Councillor of shame Terry Kelly, ‘socialist’ and mentalist, he might want to keep the guide on him so that if he gets stuck in a snow drift, he could light a fire to keep warm until the thaw, no one will be coming to save him, he is a complete warmer!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Councillor Terry Kelly?????

    I am Baffled!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Been in Paisley its a holeJune 7, 2010 at 6:54 PM

    Terry Kelly.... what can you say. I suspect your warmer comment is near the mark, keep it up Laird

  3. Do you mean Cllr Terry Kelly
    'I'm a Socialist'

    Ooer! he's straight with it no shame at all

    'I'm a Socialist' say it loud and proud

  4. Bugger baffled i'm baffled Bugger is baffled what has baffled Bugger ?

  5. Cooncillor Terry Kelly IS baffled

    Way back on The Herald website.

    He used to be kicked up and down the web edition virtual columns by everybody, and his dug.

    He always came back for more.

    Some of then want to abuse you
    Some of them want to be abused

  6. No hope without dopeJune 8, 2010 at 1:03 PM

    George Laird.... Councillor Terry Kelly doesn't like you, you rated four posts on his site. He seems rattled about previous posts written by you on his site. I thought fair comment and he even agreed with some of your points. An unwarraneted attack on you by him but don't expect an apology.

    Live with it.

  7. All I'm saying is Councillor Kelly does a good job but I can't work out what that is, any info....

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