Tuesday, June 22, 2010

£300 an hour Business consultant to NHS Zahid Ali jailed as benefit cheat, from top to bottom this country is completely wrecked

Dear All

Some people seem to have everything and others have absolutely nothing.

I used to find it surprising that someone who has so much could mess it all up for the sake of greed.

Zahid Ali worked as an NHS management consultant.

He charged the taxpayer more than £300 per hour for his services.

£300 an hour!

It was for him not enough and now he has been jailed for fraudulently claiming thousands of pounds in benefits.

Zahid Ali claimed a total of about £15,000 in housing benefit, council tax benefit and Jobseeker's Allowance which he was not entitled to even though he owns properties in Dubai and lives in a £1milion Surrey mansion.

He deliberately failed to declare earnings of £212,000 between 2004 and 2008, which he made through his management consultancy company Coulsdon Limited.

At the same time he claimed benefits from Sutton Council, Reigate & Banstead Borough Council and the Department for Work and Pensions.

Croydon Crown Court heard the extent of his claims for housing benefit for two properties owned by his wife in the Surrey towns of Sutton and Coulsdon.

It seems that the richest in society can’t help themselves from wanting more and more.

While running their cottage industry the couple lived in a seven-bedroom gated property in Kingswood, Surrey, owned by Ali's parents-in-law.

As people scrimp by with next to nothing; Ali also owned a Mercedes, a Jeep and two properties in the United Arab Emirates along with all his other incomes.

He was jailed for nine months after pleading guilty to seven counts of benefit fraud.

Judge Heather Baucher said:

“Benefit payments are for vulnerable people - not to support people who are deeply greedy, manipulative and cunning.”

She added:

“I doubt this would have come to light unless you were caught red-handed. The investigations were both detailed and properly maintained throughout. Your housing benefit claim was false from the outset, where you deliberately provided false tenancy agreements, false letters from an alleged landlord, which involved careful, thoughtful planning.”

As well as his 9 months sentence he was ordered to pay costs of £3,000 to the prosecution, saying he was 'obviously a man of substantial means'.

Councillor John Drage, executive member for finance and efficiency at Sutton Council, said:

“It is shocking that a man with a decent job who is able to enjoy luxuries like flashy cars and foreign holiday homes would try to take money from those that really need it”.

Britain 2010.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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