Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Tower Hamlets Labour candidates register extra voters to their homes, Police investigating alleged serial voter registration fraud

Dear All

Stories which I feel will play strongly after the General Election are the rise in postal voter fraud and additional voter registration.

A dozen voters have been registered to the home of a Labour Council Candidate in an East End of London.

The number registered to vote at the home of Khales Uddin Ahmed, running to be a councillor in Tower Hamlets, has risen from five to twelve in recent weeks.

A neighbour says that only three people live in the maisonette on a council estate in Bromley-by-Bow.

The Police are already investigating allegations of electoral malpractice in the area.

This is one of several cases where new names have been suddenly added to the voting register as living at addresses occupied by Labour candidates in the borough.

I have previously blogged on corrupt Britain regularly.

By applying at the last minute in the borough it means that 5,000 have gone through without any checks whatsoever.

Scotland Yard has started four criminal investigations into possible election irregularities in Tower Hamlets and another in Ealing, West London.

Now that the press has got hold of the story Mr Ahmed isn’t wanting to speak, expect to say;

“You are discriminating our family.”

He added;

“I am not going to give you any information.”

When pressed as to how many bedrooms his house had he declined to answer.

Round the corner, in a house occupied by a mother and daughter, both Labour councillors, three extra people have recently been added to the voting register.

That brings the occupants to eight in total.

In Poplar, the husband of Shiria Khatun was more vocal regarding the transparency issue;

“Get out from here, bloody bastard.”

Shiria Khatun who is standing in the elections for the Labour Party then slammed the door in the face of the press.

Jim Fitzpatrick, the Labour candidate defending Poplar & Limehouse, said;

“We will co-operate fully with any investigation. Anybody who is caught and guilty should receive the severest punishment.”

Need another reason not to vote Labour there?

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. And a jolly Goodbye to John Mason

  2. Dear Mxyzptlk

    Political differences aside.

    John Mason has been a good MP.

    First to open a public office in Glasgow East in 30 years.

    I hope he holds on to his seat but it is a challenge.

    Your wickedness no bounds.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
