Sunday, May 30, 2010

SPT shredded expenses row receipts, the SNP Government should close SPT down now or is it that they just don’t care what happens in Glasgow?

Dear All

More scandal down at the SPT or as it is getting better known, the Glasgow Labour Party cash cow and Rangers supporters travel agent.

The latest outrage in the quango is that documents detailing thousands of pounds worth of spending racked up on business trips were shredded by the SPT.

I was only obeying orders mein herr!!!!

So, what more do these clowns have to do before they get closed down?

Or maybe a better question is why is the SNP Government putting up with this?

The independent report into the SPT finds serious fault with the way senior figures spent public money on a series of junkets.

Unexplained days in New York and an all-expenses-paid trip to Manchester that coincided with Rangers’ Uefa Cup Final appearance top the report.

So how much have the SPT shredded?

Receipts detailing £32,749 of spending are now been trashed, this is more than half the total corporate credit card bill over a two-year period.

Destroying financial records should send alarm bells ringing at the Scottish Government.

It seems that the Labour Party which operate the shadow government think quangos are perfect for overseas trips to exotic parts and extra cash.

Glasgow Labour councillor of shame Jonathan Findlay who was appointed to take the Chair of SPT said;

“Although vindicated by the majority of the findings – six out of nine complaints were unfounded – we fully accept there were failings.”

Failings by Labour Party elected politicians and PPCs.

The SNP Government should have the balls to close this down; it is time to get tough.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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