Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Nicola Sturgeon announces target met for cancer treatment delivery, another major embarrassment for 'East Coast Weasel' Iain Gray and the Labour Party

Dear All

It’s more bad news for Jackie Baillie and the Labour Party in its attempts to smear Nicola Sturgeon and the SNP Government.

A record number of cancer patients in Scotland are being treated within two months.
'East Coast Weasel' Labour MSP Iain Gray will be raging at this type of progress.

Official statistics show that 96.5% of all urgently referred patients are getting the help and treatment they need within the two-month target time.

But rather than sitting on laurels, Health Secretary Nicola Sturgeon said the Scottish Government is now introducing a more ambitious target of 95% of urgently referred cancer patients being treated within 31 days.

Nicola Sturgeon said;

"Today's figures show Scotland's NHS has achieved its best-ever urgent cancer referral waiting times."

What a slap in the face for Jackie Baillie, the constant reminder of how bad the leadership of the Labour Exec was in this important portfolio.

She duly passed on the credit by saying;

"Staff up and down the country are providing these important services within record times, and I thank every single one of them."

The Labour Party would have solely taken the credit; they see people as objects just to be used.

The new 31 day target is ambitious and it will hopefully be achieved by December 2011.

Well done the staff of the NHS in Scotland.

This is what can be achieved by working in partnership, the very opposite of what NHS Staff had to endure under Labour.

Labour’s tenure was a shambles, 2011 is the Holyrood election and health will be shown as an example of effective government intervention on behalf of the people.

This is one story where Jackie Baillie and the Labour party don’t have the opportunity to spread fear and alarm for petty political advantage.
It seems that 'East Coast Weasel' Iain Gray will have to sack Jackie Baillie who is so ineffective on the health portfolio.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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