Thursday, May 27, 2010

Media Queen Diane Abbott so far gets the wooden spoon in the Labour leadership race, a sign that in the Westminster Village she isn’t that popular

Dear All

The Labour Party is having a contest to find a new leader.

Diane Abbott has thrown her hat into the ring.

And it was promptly thrown back out.

Diane Abbott has received no nominations whatsoever.

She is in danger of getting the wooden spoon.

Nice to be popular!

But all is not lost; she still can continue with her telly career and of course MP salary and perks.

In 2008, she was named one of the ten most powerful black women in Britain.

But not in the Labour Party it seems.

Of the other contenders, the Milibands are neck and neck circa 50, Ed Balls is a distant third at 24, Burnham is on 14, John McDonnell has a measly 4.

But no one is even prepared to give Diane Abbott a sympathy vote of one.

The current state of the votes is

David Miliband: 51
Ed Miliband: 47
Ed Balls: 24
Andy Burnham: 14
John McDonnell: 4
Diane Abbott: 0

The next leader of Labour is looking at losing the next election as well, even although out of government, people know the pain is because of financial mismanagement of the Labour Government.

Diane Abbott is good on This Week but she is no leader of men, especially when she views British men as racist.

No votes, no surprise.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. she ticks all the right boxes but..May 27, 2010 at 6:45 PM

    I think she will get a 'bloody good hiding'.
    As her old colleague Bernie used to enjoy saying.

  2. I see another tv opportunity for her George Laird, Eurovision Song Contest, Null points

  3. Diane Abbot can't get a 'bloody good hiding', your arm would fall off from whacking her massive arse, six months might cover one cheek.

    Ass Association of America is the authority on these matters.

  4. Douchebag of GlasgowMay 28, 2010 at 9:03 PM

    Diane Abbott has got one nomination so far from David Lammy.She breaks her duck and survives the wooden spoon so there.

  5. oh my god........... just realised that Dianne Abbot looks like Augustus from Facejacker!,
