Friday, May 7, 2010

Hung Parliament was the best result to restore democracy and accountability, now government can be held properly to account

Dear All

England to no great surprise went Tory.

Gordon Brown, so despised by many, led the Labour Party to a crushing defeat.

Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Now, David Cameron is to set out his stall to form a "stable" government, after the Tories won most votes but not an overall majority.

If you read this blog to any great degree, you know that I was hoping for a hung parliament.

Because that is the only way for reform of Westminster!

And major reform is needed at many levels.

However Labour leader Gordon Brown is also hoping for a deal with the Lib Dems.

So, the bartering for Lib Dem support starts, will the Lib Dems join with Labour?

They don’t want Gordon Brown as Prime Minster in a Labour /Lib Dem coalition.

Brown gets first crack to form a government but no one wants him, he is a liability that Labour have to face up to.

Will he step down in the national interest?

No, he will have to be forced out.

This hung parliament could pave the way for proportion representation which would radically change Britain.

So, if a deal isn’t thrashed out then we can all look forward to a possible re run of this election again later in the year.

Democracy in a meaningful way cannot be restored in this country unless parliament, the entire parliament can hold government to account.

In some respects I am pleased with this result.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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