Friday, May 14, 2010

Alex Salmond makes a compelling case to David Cameron for Scotland to be treated fairly, but will the Tory/ Lib Dem coalition listen?

Dear All

If the road between London and Edinburgh is to be less rocky, then universal love is the order of the day.

Alex Salmond is sticking up for Scotland.

So, as the new Tory /Lib Dem coalition gets its feet under the table with big hugs and that warm glow that the Labour Party have been kicked out, they will be looking for a period stability on both sides of the border.

The SNP Government wants four measures which could speed up the economic recovery north of the border.

The four requests are possibly doable by the UK Government.

Accelerated spending, Alex Salmond wants accelerated capital spending in the region of £350 million for an economic stimulus, this money would be ploughed into providing affordable housing. Money would be taken from future budgets, this isn’t new, the previous UK government done this before.

Olympic consequentials, Scotland is due £165 million from the London Olympics budget over the next five years. Under the Barnett Formula, the funding mechanism that determines Scotland's block grant, Scotland is due this money. This would be seen as a good gesture by the Tories.

Fossil Fuel Levy, £180 million of Scotland’s money is sitting in an Ofgem account in London, because of the pettiness of the Labour Party, this money was withheld. It’s Scotland’s money, again, a useful device to build goodwill.

The final request by Alex Salmond is something which the Scotland Act should have included but didn’t, borrowing powers for Holyrood.

The ability to borrow would provide another economic lever that could help finance large capital projects. The ‘Wendy’ Commission has recommended that Scotland gets its own borrowing powers.

There is scope for Cameron and Co to maybe go, three out of four here but if I was realistic, I would say they might shift on accelerated spending and borrowing powers.

I rule of the Olympic Consequential because the Olympic budget isn’t protected from cuts and the Fossil Fuel Levy might be viewed by London as dead money and therefore belongs to them.

So, the Scottish Government should expect something because the Tory/Lib Dem coalition wants to be seen to be doing something positive.

Two out four is my guess.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. 'I rule of the Olympic Consequential because the Olympic budget isn’t protected from cuts and the Fossil Fuel Levy might be viewed by London as dead money and therefore belongs to them.'

    A statement that contains both the words 'dead' and 'money'. Alex Salmond as a supporter of the McCanns certainly doesn't get my shilling.

    The contract to build the Olympic stadium and complex was awarded to Laing O'Rouke only after Ray O'Rouke visited Downing Street to pay a visit on Tony Blair.

    It is no secret that O'Rouke gave £1 million to Tony Blair's Labour party as a donation on the understanding that the Olympic contract would be theirs for the taking.

    That's 'dead money' alright.

    Dead and buried by now I would have thought, somehere in east London.

  2. Dear ttw4

    The Labour legacy up and down Britain, paid Labour money get a contract.

    In Glasgow, one Labour donor got £20 million in contracts.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  3. Yeah....bit like old Georgie.

    I'll miss him...alot.
