Tuesday, April 13, 2010

World exclusive, Strathclyde Police are digging for information on the Scottish Islamic Foundation grant, this isn't leisure surfing in my opinion

Dear All

Hello hello hello, what’s all this me old beauty!

Strathclyde Police popped up on the website.

So what you might think, they probably drop by often.

True but their search engine phrase was ‘scottish islamic foundation grant’.

IP address

So, it looks like someone at Strathclyde Police using an official Police computer on the 13th April 2010 at circa 08.36.54 was sniffing about.

I don’t think this was leisure surfing judging by the engine search phrase.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Interesting stuff, George. As always!

  2. Dear Rab

    Strathclyde Police have been turning up quite alot since the Purcell scandal hit the airwaves.

    I was blogging on them to stand up and launch an investigation in Glasgow City Council and its Aleos.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  3. This was one of your best recent posts, Mr Laird, short and blunt.

    Indeed if you ditched the header and footer and the double-spacing,
    you could become a twitterer.

    If you wonder why nobody picked up on your World Exculsive, I could suggest a pedantic reason.

    Beyond the spelling, there are a couple of inconsistencies.

    You demand that Strathclyde Police fully investigate concerns raised about Steven Purcell, but you go on to pillory them for pursuing concerns about the Scottish Islamic Foundation.

    Please explain why the first is right and the second is wrong.

  4. Dear Hamish

    “This was one of your best recent posts, Mr Laird, short and blunt”.


    “Indeed if you ditched the header and footer and the double-spacing,you could become a twitterer”.

    Ditch the header! Ditch the footer! Ditch my double spacing!

    Hamish, you manage your blog, if you have one and I will manage mine.

    I like all of the above.

    As to witter on twitter, no thanks, the Stuart MacLennan scandal.

    Stay away from that type of madness, besides who would want to know about me?

    “If you wonder why nobody picked up on your World Exculsive, I could suggest a pedantic reason”.

    The blog‘s crap? I am not well known? People hate me?

    “Beyond the spelling, there are a couple of inconsistencies”.

    Hands up I made a spelling mistake, it happens from time to time and will again.

    But I will be stoic and soldier on.

    “You demand that Strathclyde Police fully investigate concerns raised about Steven Purcell, but you go on to pillory them for pursuing concerns about the Scottish Islamic Foundation”.

    To address the first point about Steven ‘bin laden’ Purcell, yes I think there should be an investigation.

    As to ‘pillory’ of Strathclyde Police, if you look back you will see I wrote critical articles on the SIF so I was writing a post and making an observation.

    There is nowhere on that post where I say or imply they shouldn’t investigate if they think there is wrongdoing.

    “Please explain why the first is right and the second is wrong”.

    I hope the comments above do that.

    One question, it is obvious that you don’t like me, care you venture why?

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  5. Nothing personal, George, since I don't know you personally.

    I happen to believe that the cybernats and abusive bloggers such as yourself and Mark Cheese do more harm than good to the cause of Scottish Independence.
    Of course, I respect your right to take a different view.

    LOL about the post on spelling.

  6. Dear Hamish

    I am not a cybernat, I am a blogger.

    And it is a bit wicked of you to try and link me to Mark MacLachlan.

    I don't accept your charge that I am an abusive blogger because I don't post lies.

    I am no Damien McBride of the Labour Party posting smears.

    Having spent 20 years at Glasgow University, I was there when many of the current political class went through and I remember many of them.

    On some of my posts on William Bain the Labour Candidate in Glasgow North East, I spotted he published lies on his website.

    Who is worse, him for trying to deceive the public or me for highlighting it?

    You might not like the opinions expressed by me in the way they are expressed but they are my own.

    I try to make my blog entertaining.

    Also Cybernats don't write public articles critcial of SNP policy.

    I do.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
