Saturday, April 10, 2010

US Sub navigator was listening to his iPod as he crashes attack sub into ship, £60m in damage caused and a few careers ruined

Dear All

We all know that driving is dangerous.

You need all your wits and no halfwits behind the wheel.

The navigator of a US nuclear submarine listening to his iPod collided with another ship.

The bash is going to cost cash, £60m of damage.

I suspect the navigator isn’t insure fully comp.

It seems life aboard the attack sub USS Hartford has gotten slack as the crew rigged up loudspeakers to they could listen to music on duty.

After the crash Captain Commander Ryan Brookhart was relieved of his duties.

The following investigation revealed nearly ’30 tactical and watchstander errors’ which led to the ‘avoidable accident’.

It seems that as the good times rolled on no one was watching where they were going.

As well as being a keen music fan, at the time of the incident, the navigator was revising for an exam.

15 sailors were injured and both vessels damaged in the incident in Strait of Hormuz, a narrow passage in the Persian Gulf.

The US Navy report slammed the Hartford’s ‘ineffective and negligent command leadership’ and its ‘informal atmosphere’.

The next guy to tread the boards of the USS Hartford will no doubt not be a music lover or slack.

Highly embarrassing stuff all round, but luckily no one died.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

1 comment:

  1. Hmm...makes you very confident in oor ain sub drivers...especially the ones wi, as Smee says, buckets of instant sunshine...
