Monday, April 5, 2010

Tory MP Chris Grayling's gay gaffe on human rights shows the Tories are still lacking in substance, people shouldn't be treated differently

Dear All

Human Rights are all about fairness and equality, people shouldn’t be treated differently by the state or businesses.

Chris Grayling's erstwhile view that Britain's inn-keepers can interpret anti-discrimination legislation as they see fit is nonsense.

He believes that people who run a B&B business in their own home should have the right to discriminate against gay people, because they have faith.

This is wrong, when you open up your home as a commercial venture then you are subject to the same laws of society as anyone else.

Faith is not an excuse in business to discriminate against someone.

The business of business is business.

I wouldn’t say that Grayling is no homophobe on this matter but is socially unaware as this massive gaffe shows and this fool could be the next Home Secretary.

That would be a disaster.

It seems that Grayling has a habit of making blunders,

This is the fourth high profile Grayling gaffe in nine months hot on the heels of The Wire, General Dannatt and jumping on the household burglary bandwagon.

At Work and Pensions, Grayling was more suited to this post than Home Secretary which is why David Cameron should bite the bullet and appoint David Davis to the position.

People have rights but this episode shows even at the highest level of the Tory Party, they have no understanding of what human rights are all about.

And they want to run a country!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Torys hate gays,Blacks, foreigners(not from the south east of england with a plumy voice),the disabled, the unemployed involuntary or not,Poor Pensioners, Trade unions,
    etc etc

    and of course you George and much more than you they hate do i know because they told me so

  2. Dear Mxyzptlk

    How can anyone hate you?

    You run a blog with lots of comedy on it.

    There are people who already hate me so anyone new should get in a line and wait their turn.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  3. I take umbrage at that slur at my Blog.

    Mine is a considered serious analysis of the contemporary political scene..

  4. Dear Mxyzptlk

    “I take umbrage at that slur at my Blog”.

    Having too much umbrage can weigh you down.

    “Mine is a considered serious analysis of the contemporary political scene”.

    If you say so!

    I am a humble Glaswegian pottering around the place so I find lots of things funny.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
