Monday, April 5, 2010

SNP MP John Mason's record shows how important he thinks older voters are in the community, unsurprisingly, he works very hard for them

Dear All

Everyone has the right to vote over 18, you just have to register.

If you haven’t done so already then please, register, your vote matters.

Alex Salmond’s vote at the ballot box carries just the same weight when it is counted as anyone else on election night.

The important thing is to use your vote, it then has meaning.

A lot of people support political parties because that is what their dad did rather than looking at what the party stands for, its record and even the people standing for election.

The only way to vote a good person into public office is by ensuring the public know what they will do and what they stand for.

Older voters make up a powerful lobby and in this election, what is termed the ‘grey vote’ could tip the balance.

People are turned off by politicians and in light of the expenses scandal who could blame them, case after case after case and all criminal.

But not everyone who enters public office is like that; some do so because they want to make their communities better.

The ‘grey vote’ is a sizeable vote as it is estimated that a quarter of voters are over the age of 65 in 41 out of the 59 seats in Scotland.

The SNP is currently running with a theme of ‘local champions’ because they recognise that people need help, not slogans or platitudes, it is delivery that people want.

Research shows that many older people were having second thoughts about being loyal to one party.

Aside from party policy, the most important question that a voter needs to ask is will an MP work for me once elected.

This is the real acid test, constituents are the same as puppies, not just for Christmas but 365 days a year because problems don’t respect the holidays.

This election is important in a number of ways but mostly it is raises a question, will the person I vote for work hard for me and other constituents?

That is why you should take the time to ask PPC Candidates as many questions as possible; it is a buyer’s market.

But you have to use your vote.
I am partial because I believe that the SNP particularly in Glasgow represent the best choice for the people of any age.

If you look at the record of SNP MP John Mason, it speaks for itself.

He opened a public office for the people straight away, when the then Labour MP David Marshall hadn’t in 30 years.

John Mason opened his office on a public bus route so it was accessible to everyone.

It is time to vote in good people in but you to vote to elect a ‘local champion’.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. I find your support of John Mason surprising giving his support of Chris Graylings, in your own terms, "gay gaffe"

  2. Dear Scott

    I support John Mason because I recognise that he is a good MP.

    People make gaffes all over the people, but hopefully they learn to be tolerate and understanding.

    I believe that Glasgow East needs John Mason to represents them.

    People get their opportunity at the ballot box to express their view on him.

    I hope they will return him.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  3. The idea that you're actively supporting a man opposed to a womans' right to choose and at best 'sceptical' about the rights of homosexuals in a blog supposedly about 'human rights' seems sickening to me.
