Tuesday, April 6, 2010

SNP Candidate Billy McAllister's car broken into by professionals who steal files, laptop and digital camera, they leave booze, clothes and jewellery

Dear All

Billy McAllister, the SNP Gang-busting politician standing in Glasgow North East has been targeted by a raid on his car.

Among the items taken were his official laptop, digital camera and files on top gangland figures.

This doesn’t seem the typical car break in as thieves ignored jewellery and booze; it looks rather like he has been deliberately targeted.

Billy McAllister said;

"It's pretty clear that there was an unusual motive here. This wasn't someone looking for a quick buck to buy their next fix. The only things taken were my council laptop, some files and paperwork concerning the Lyons crime family and my digital camera. The computer was in the boot under bags of shopping. There was also jewellery, bottles of spirits and about £200 worth of clothes that I'd bought that day piled on top of the computer. But they still found it. They even left the cases for the computer and the camera - which are now being tested for DNA."

As an outspoken critic of the Lyons Crime Family, he has been tireless in standing up for local residents on their behalf.

The theft of his belongings appears to be a professional job as the thieves did no damage to the lock.

That type of expertise is uncommon.

SNP Candidate Billy McAllister is standing in the General Election on a "zero-tolerance for organised crime" ticket.

He added;

"I'll never give up. This is nothing. I've had much worse things happen to me. What it does do is make me even more determined to win this fight. This just proves I have hit a nerve with my stance."

Clearly, Billy McAllister has some very nasty people rattled, something that the Glasgow Labour Party has never managed to do.

The people of Glasgow North East are still waiting for Labour MP William Bain to make a principled stand against organised crime.

So far, he has done nothing as his record shows.

But then William Bain is no Billy McAllister.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

1 comment:

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