Friday, April 23, 2010

Nick Clegg wins second debate as the 'odd couple' have bust up on set, Cameron outshines Brown who looks like a tired old dog, tail between his legs

Dear All

One of the funny things which have come out of the debates between the Tories, Labour and Lib Dems is the emergence of ‘odd couple’.

Gordon Brown and David Cameron!

They have tried to team up to halt the advance of Nick Clegg as he connects with English voters.

On one hand you have Gordon Brown playing the tired old man closely followed by his ‘little bit of fluff’ David Cameron.

It is odd watching both of them seek Nick Clegg’s approval.

Two debates down and still they can’t work a strategy which impacts on Clegg.

Now, the ‘odd couple’ are bickering among themselves, David Cameron, the battered ‘wife’ accused Labour of “disgraceful” behaviour in trying to scare old people by suggesting his party would stop the pension credit and the winter fuel allowance as well as free bus travel.

Cameron said;

“Those leaflets and letters you’ve been getting from Labour are pure and simple lies. You should not be frightening people in an election campaign, it’s just not right.”

Unhappy Brown trying desperately to look statesmanlike mumbled something about his take on the Tory manifesto had been right.

So, not able to take Clegg on in the debates, the ‘odd couple’ hoped that spurious claims about donations paid into Nick Clegg’s bank account would prove damaging.

And that tactic has also backfired spectacularly making Clegg even more popular.

Clegg said;

"Any suggestion I did anything wrong is out of order and I'm going to publish the figures to prove it"

Cameron and Brown will have one more chance to burst Clegg’s bubble in the final TV debate next Thursday.

It is 2-0 to Clegg and the public have the perception fixed he is viable.

Nothing the ‘odd couple’ can do alter that fact.

A hung Parliament is looking more of a possibility.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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