Thursday, April 1, 2010

The next Tory Government in Westminster has to deal with the Labour Party's shadow government which is an essential part of corrupt Britain

Dear All

One of the features of corrupt Britain is how a very few working in the public sector have managed to get six-figure salaries.

Last year the number of Council employees earning over a £100k rose by 14% to 1,250 people.

The rise of social and political elite in the public sector is damaging trust in politics.

The head of City Building, a Glasgow Labour controlled quango is Willie Docherty; he is alleged to be on circa £150,000 a year.

His wife is a Glasgow Labour Councillor.

The Taxpayer Alliance which monitors public sector pay state that 31 officials earn more than Gordon Brown and 219 earn more than Cabinet Ministers.

Now, the cat is out of the bag because new rules force councils to publish pay and perks of staff on more than £150,000.

Despite the recession and problems in the economy, the number continues to rise.

Given the state of council services does anyone believe we are getting good value?

With ordinary council employees suffering pay freezes, cuts or redundancies, these people don’t suffer at all.

The way that some of them seem to operate is like this, they gain a council/Civil Service or NGO appointment which they stick out for about 5/6 years and then move to another high paying job.

Here is an example, the corrupt Sir Muir Russell, an ex civil service acquires a highly paid job as Principal at Glasgow University.

He was in charge of the Civil Service in Scotland which saw the Holyrood Parliament spiral from £40 million to £440 million.

He is head hunted by a recruitment company for the job of Principal at Glasgow University.

He has no experience of working at a higher education university.

He has never worked as a lecturer.

He has no experience of running a charity.

He has no experience of running a major business.

The external examiner vetting people for the job is the head of a private invitation only club which he is a member.

Are you surprised?

You shouldn’t be; that is how the social networks operate in Britain.

One of the myths which is continually thrown at public is that these people are ‘very good value for money’ because they could make more in the private sector.

Would someone in the private sector still have a job if they allowed a building project to spiral from £40 million to £440 million?

The Local Government Association (LGA) says;

"Councils need talented people in top management positions but they have to balance this with the need, in a tight financial situation, for all salaries to be demonstrably reasonable."

Looking at my area with schools and community centres be closed, contracts handed by Glasgow Labour Council and their NGOs to Labour Party donors, I don’t feel that these people are ‘talented’.

The word sycophants springs to minds, people who go along with the flow because they are on ‘big’ money.

Even the Tories recognise the problem created by the Labour Party’s shadow government to give their members, relatives and friends high paid jobs.

Bob Neill, shadow local government minister, said;

"Town hall clerks have morphed into highly-paid chief executives moving from council to council like football managers”.

This highlights what I have said above and for years on blogs.

He added;

"It is time to shine the light of transparency on town hall fat cats, to help the public and councillors stop unjustified pay and perks."

The quango system is one of the ways that democracy has been destroyed and people denied their rights and help.

It is time that these people had massive pay cut in the region of 40%.

The ‘bonfire of the quangos’ used as a throw away line needs to be a reality, it is the challenge that David Cameron faces.

We know a Tory will victimise and stigmatise the poor but do they have the guts to fight the social and political elite rich?

Or is that too much of an ask?

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. social and political elite rich?

    Obviously that include Alex(Grab £60000) Salmond.

    Oh no forgot Nationalists are allowed to be Hypocritical money Grabbers.

    Now come on George gives us the nats stock response to Nationalists malfeasance

  2. De4ar Mxyzpltk

    I can give you my response, it should be stamped out.

    I have no problem with Alex Salmond collecting his money, as you know he donates part of his salary to charity.

    I would also call for a review of councillor's salaries, allowing them to rise to £30k.

    I would end the culture of payment for councillors sitting on Aleos run by their Council.

    Full time councillors needs a full time decent wage regardless of party.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
