Friday, April 9, 2010

Labour Party Candidate in Moray Stuart MacLennan is crazed internet fiend, Tory Annabel Goldie 'disgusted', burn him at the stake!

Dear All

Politics is a dirty business especially when the Labour Party is involved.

So, it should come as no surprise that a Labour Party election candidate has had to apologise for cursing leading politicians.

Stuart MacLennan, the Labour Party's Moray candidate has admitted tweeting "silly" and "offensive" comments.

But he says he is "really sorry".

Scottish Conservative leader Annabel Goldie, said;

"I am disgusted by this disgraceful behaviour from a Labour candidate”.

Me too, I am taking the moral high ground on this, this type of carry on is unacceptable unless I am doing it.

In a classic sack cloth and ashes statement MacLennan said;

"Some of the things I twittered before I became a candidate were very, very silly and I can see they are offensive. I have let myself and my friends down and am really sorry."


The things you have to do in order to get £65K and expenses.

A Scottish Labour spokesperson said;

"Stuart is a young candidate and has been very foolish indeed”.

Hang him!

She added;

"He now understands that this is quite unacceptable and will not be doing this kind of thing again."

Unless he fails to get elected, this is a certainty, so he might revisit that position at a future date.

Opposition parties said he should not be allowed to stand which is a bit silly because they can use this to boot into him.

Let him stand and bring the family.

Scottish Conservative leader Annabel Goldie, continued;

"If he has any shred of remorse or decency then he must stand down and if he does not go voluntarily, then Labour must sack him."

Will she be standing down for being a Tory?

Has she no remorse or decency left?

SNP Westminster leader Angus Robertson, who is the SNP candidate in Moray commented;

"Stuart MacLennan is an adviser to the Labour Shadow Cabinet and Secretary of Young Scottish Labour. Labour needs to take decisive action to distance itself completely from these vile outbursts and opinions."

You tell him Angus!

Hurling abuse is a part of political life which all aspiring politicians must acceptable for sticking their head above the parapet.

It is water off a duck’s back.

But there are limits.

Now, where is my burning cross and bed sheets with the holes cut out to see?

Isn’t the Labour Party just so squalid?

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Doing that kind of thing on what is a public site is really pretty stupid.

    It not that the likes od Diane Abbot will be hurt, it's not that Nick Clegg or John Bercow will be bothered, it's just that he has such a very poor sense of judgement. It doesn't give you a lot of confidence in his ability to make decisions in the Commons.

    He's a lawyer.... god help his clients.

  2. Dear Tris

    He is now sacked as candidate and suspended.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
