Friday, April 2, 2010

Melanie Phillips continues to support the racist state of Israel, they arrest and gag Israeli soldier over their state sanctioned murder policy

Dear All

One of the most deluded and dangerous commentators on the Middle East has to be Melanie Phillips.

She continually defends the racist state of Israel no matter what, trying link Jewish people in our countries with Israel.

The agenda in my opinion is to tag anyone who criticises Israel as anti-semitic.

Her latest offering is that President Obama has opened the global floodgates of Israel-bashing.

Such an idea shows what a poisonous wretched horrible individual she is.

She declares that in Britain it is now open season on Israel and the Jews who defend it.

That is wrong but it is open season all year round on assholes.

Two Labour MPs, Sir Gerald Kaufman and Martin Linton are the object of her spleen.

Kaufman who is Jewish is described as a veteran and poisonous Jewish Israel-basher while Martin Linton, chairman of Labour Friends of Palestine comes in for special treatment.

Of course the golden thread of her raving is her working in the Nazis into her pieces of vile spite.

So, let us set this horrible old crone straight, Israel is a racist state which operates a policy of state sanctioned murder.

It should be treated in exactly the same manner as White South Africa at the height of apartheid by the free world and boycotted.

Recently, Israel has placed one of its former soldiers Anat Kam under house arrest for allegedly leaking details of a controversial policy to kill wanted Palestinian militants.

They have also slapped a gag order on the national media to prevent it covering the development, according to sources both in the Jewish state and abroad.

Anat Kam is reportedly charged with having copied classified documents that showed that Israeli troops had broken their own rules of engagement by killing three Palestinian militants in the West Bank.

It is the return to the policy and the practice of assassinating militants, a frequent occurrence in the early days of the second intifada, which began in 2000.

People across the world and inside Israel are speaking out against such war crimes.

Those who do speak out about such acts of murder are fair game for Melanie Phillips who sits in Britain cheerleading atrocities like a deranged nut job in a mental asylum.

Melanie Phillips says that Britain is heading over a cliff for speaking out against Israeli state murderers and racists, but thankful there are still people who are willing to speak out regardless of politics and religion.

So, what about the targeted murder policy, well, sick and twisted people like Melanie Phillips can justify anything because they don’t care about people’s human rights.

She really is pathetic and not interested in the truth unless it fits her agenda.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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