Friday, April 16, 2010

Labour Leader Gordon Brown shows his true colours, he is a disgusting, wretched individual for allowing staff to be humilated in public

Dear All

You can tell a lot about a person in the way they treat others around them.

Take a close look at this picture of Gordon Brown.

He is prepared to sacrifice the dignity of two people as they hold a set of doors open for him and his wife.

This is a disgusting way to treat staff.

Gordon Brown famously talked about his moral compass, that his ‘special’ upbringing as a son of the manse makes him ideal to lead this country.

I look at this picture and see this as an example of how wretched and squalid he is.

This act isn't the hall mark of a leader.

But it is telling about Gordon Brown’s attitude to people.

The Labour slogan is;

“A Future Fair For All”.

In that future he is prepared to let some people be on their knees.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Who is that Labour staffer kneeling on the right?

    I think he is the same guy in this BBC Newsnight Glasgow East Byelection '08 clip!

    Skip to 04:09

  2. Hi James

    I tried the linki, not working on the BBC.

    But thanks for pointing me in that direction.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
