Friday, April 23, 2010

How can trust in politics be restored when Gordon Brown publicly lies on TV, is this his 'moral compass', pointing towards greed and power?

Dear All

To show how wretched Gordon Brown is, I want to do another post to show that as well as lying in print, he also is prepared to lie in the TV debates.

Gordon Brown stated that he had never authorised a leaflet scaremongering over bus passes for the elderly.

I have blogged he made this claim on his own leaflet in Fife.When directly challenged on Labour's scaremongering tactics in relation to concessionary travel for pensioners Brown said;

"I have not authorised any leaflets".

The wording in his leaflet says he will fight against "cuts to concessionary travel".

So what is the truth of the situation regarding concessionary travel?The truth is the SNP has expanded the travel scheme to include disabled veterans from April 201.

And there is a guarantee to elderly people in the SNP Party's Westminster manifesto.

SNP Westminster leader Angus Robertson said;

"Brown has been caught red handed in this debate. He claimed he did not authorise the misleading and scaremongering leaflets yet there is one going out in his own constituency."If he can't be trusted on his own leaflets then what can he be trusted on?"All three London parties offered little to voters in Scotland tonight - ignoring Scotland's huge potential in renewable energy, the toughest climate change targets in the world and the presence of Trident on our shores."The only alternative to the Westminster parties for Scotland's voters was not heard tonight - but Scotland's voice will be heard on Sunday in a real debate."

Trust is an issue in politics because so many people don’t believe politicians are telling the truth anymore.

It is a low point in politics when a man who has held the Office of Prime Minister such as Gordon Brown feels it is appropriate to lie in writing and while publicly speaking on television.

Gordon Brown cannot be trusted.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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