Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Glasgow University educated Tory Candidate Philip Lardner standing in North Ayrshire and Arran suspended over gay comments

Dear All

Tory election candidate Philip Lardner has been suspended.

The reason is for describing gay people on his website as "not normal".

Scottish Tory chairman and ex MI6 spy Andrew Fulton described the North Ayrshire and Arran candidate's comments as "deeply offensive and unacceptable".

Fulton added;

"These views have no place in the modern Conservative party."

Phillip Lardner has a bit of a history for making controversial comments; he was reinstated to the party in 2008 after a previous suspension.

That time it was alleged claims he made racist comments.

This gaffe comes shortly after the Chris Grayling howler about gay people using B&B’s in private homes.

It seems that the Tories like the Labour Party and the SNP are accident prone on the blogsphere.

Under the heading "What I believe in", Phil rattled out;

"Homosexuality is not 'normal behaviour'."

Educated at Glasgow University in the Law Faculty, Philip Lardner is just another Tory living in a bygone age.

A typical Glasgow University product.

So, 8,000 Tory votes are up for grabs in North Ayrshire and Arran which could go to either the SNP or Lib Dems.

Here is a full list of Candidates.

Katy Clarke, Labour *
Gillian Cole-Hamilton, Liberal Democrat
Patricia Gibson, Scottish National Party
Philip Lardner, Conservative
Louise McDaid, Socialist Labour Party

Katy Clark's Labour majority is more than 11,000 but Tories like to vote so it could be they will jump for this election.

And it could be to the SNP.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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