Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Glasgow Subway Drivers face axe in SPT’s £290m plan to revamp the subway, can we kill this SPT turkey off now?

Dear All

Reinvention has always proved popular, sometimes they work and sometimes they don’t.

It is down to the public whether they buy into it.

Strathclyde Partnership for Transport (SPT), the Glasgow Labour Party’s cash cow and Rangers Travel agent for Labour Councillors has an idea.

They want futuristic driverless trains whizzing round Glasgow’s ‘clockwork orange’ but they want also £290 million pounds to do it from the Scottish Government.

A new report says that a huge cash injection is needed to make the system fit for the 21st century.

This has all the hallmarks of ‘pie in the sky’ and ‘empire building’.

And of course with any ‘modernisation’ plan, changed working practices to cut costs usually at the expense of those at the ‘coal face’, rank and file staff!

88 people, a quarter of the staff will lose their jobs.

The ‘vision’ is for new trains and hi-tech equipment along with upgraded stations whatever that means.

Labour Councillor Jonathan Findlay, the transport body’s chairman and of the three salaries fame said;

“The Subway is the cornerstone of the public transport network in the city”.

I wouldn’t say that, I would say the cornerstone of public transport in the city is the buses.

So, what do we get in the new ‘vision’?

More frequent trains – possibly every two minutes during rush hour.

Extended opening hours, including at weekends and for major events.

New smartcard tickets making access easier.

New, comfortable trains with fewer breakdowns.

Upgraded stations and improved facilities.

The ‘vision’ did it come from Clarence the cross eyed lion?

What a load of bullshit, talk about waffle!

For example what do they mean by upgraded facilities?

Are they also going to launch space shuttles, put in bars and restaurants, movie theatres, 18 hole golf courses?

Transport bosses believe the improvements could result in passenger numbers soaring to around 18 million by 2040.

Did the count start in the 20th Century?

What is this belief based on?

Findlay said;

“While it is ­accepted that short-term improvements can be made, the medium to longer term trend for increasing ­subsidy would effectively result in closure of the system as it would not be financially sustainable. The modernisation case would deliver what the customer needs, provides the best value for money and is the only option that represents a real investment for the future of Glasgow, the region and ultimately Scotland as a whole.”

It seems that the last joke of the Steven ‘bin laden’ Purcell dynasty was to be Jonathan Findlay.

I think this is a complete non starter, everyone of Labour Capital build projects ends up overtime and over budget.

These people need a reality check or better still removed.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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