Thursday, April 1, 2010

Glasgow Labour Party's political patronage shows Labour runs Glasgow for the personal finanical benefit of Councillors, it must be investigated

Dear All

It is now laid bare what I have been saying for some considerable time.

The City of Glasgow is run by the Labour Party for benefit of the Labour Party.

In order for the Glasgow Labour Party to crave up the city for the personal and financial benefit of their Councillors, they have used the Aleos, arm’s-length bodies set up by Steven ‘bin laden’ Purcell.

As well as that to make ‘respectable’ the Labour Council has appointed SNP Councillors on to boards to make it look it democracy.

It’s a sham.

What has been exposed today is how an elaborate system of political patronage operates at Glasgow City Council.

The job of a councillor is very time consuming if they are prepared to work, they therefore should be paid an appropriate salary in the region of £30k a year.

It seems that in order to make a decent wage they have allowed a system to develop that delivers in some cases more than £30k.

There have been calls for an independent investigation into Glasgow City Council, rejected by Strathclyde Police, Glasgow City Council and Audit Scotland into the Steven ‘bin laden’ Purcell scandal.

There is something incredibly politically rotten in the City of Glasgow.

Now Finance Secretary John Swinney has heeded the calls in some way and asked the independent body that recommends councillor pay to investigate how spin-offs such as leisure trusts and arm’s-length companies are boosting salary levels.

The investigation comes as SNP Ministers have order a Scotland-wide review of council spin-off companies amid concerns they are being used to bypass limits on payments to councillors and reward political cronies.

This is a step forward in returning accountability back to the people who elect councillors in the first place.

Glasgow will be getting a formal visit by the Scottish Local Authority Remuneration Committee (SLARC), it is a start but a much more in depth review is needed in Glasgow.

So, what is the solution, I would say that Scottish Local Authority Remuneration Committee (SLARC) needs to bite the bullet and state that full time Councillors need to be paid a decent full time salary.

I would say that £30k should be the benchmark.

I would then suggest that Councillors should continue sitting on boards but that they receive no remuneration except reasonable expenses for doing their duties.

The system of political patronage set up by Purcell is killing effective local government in Glasgow which needs to be more robust.

This doesn’t come as a surprise but needs to be dealt with.

The City of Glasgow’s motto is;

‘Let Glasgow flourish’.

Isn’t it about time?

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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