Thursday, April 15, 2010

Glasgow Labour Councillor Ruth Black questioned by Strathclyde Police over the supply of Class A drugs to ex Labour Leader Steven 'bin laden ' Purcell

Dear All

The Steven ‘bin laden’ Purcell and the Labour Council of shame scandal heats up as Strathclyde Police ask a serving Glasgow Labour Councillor did she supply Class A drugs to Purcell.

Strathclyde Police have taken the unusual step of investigating Labour Councillor Ruth Black over claims of corruption and drug abuse at Glasgow City Council.

Councillor Ruth Black is a personal friend of the disgraced Labour council leader and her visit to a police station to discuss allegations is unparalleled in modern Glasgow politics.

Other accusations are that she was unfairly given a £50,000 council contract because of her connection to Purcell.

At the interview she was formally asked about claims she herself had taken amphetamines but she denied any wrongdoing.

The SNP Councillors along with SNP MP John Mason have been at the forefront of calling for an independent inquiry into the activities of Steven ‘bin laden’ Purcell and the Labour Council of shame.

SNP councillors have accused Purcell of cronyism over his decision to award a very lucrative contract to run a gay and lesbian drop-in centre to Black when the well established organisation Glasgay was shut out.

Glasgay has over two decades’ successful experience of working in the city but the contract went to Labour Councillor Ruth Black who previously ran a drop in centre which went bust last year with debts of £300,000.

No charges have been brought but Strathclyde Police have indicated that they may need to speak to Black in the future.

The Steven ‘bin laden’ Purcell scandal has a long way to go.

And people still aren’t getting the independent inquiry because it is being blocked by the Glasgow Labour Councillors.

Questions keep getting asked of how many jobs and contracts have been awarded by Labour controlled Glasgow City Council to Glasgow Labour Party members, relatives, friends, associates and Labour donors?

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

1 comment:

  1. This woman has the cheek to publically state in the media she has nothing to fear from the police or investigations into her corrupt ways or her dealing with Steven Purcell..

    Recent tabloids have exposed her lies by organsiations supplying minutes to meetings which she was at which she stated her party and Steven Purcell would not support the organsiation, done bang to rights on that one mrs.

    She then goes on to state that all her dealings have been open and transparent, what bloody lies has she told now. shes been caught, shes being investigated and everything is now coming out about this woman and its not before time.
    This woman has got away with plenty in her time, no wonder many labour councillors are now questioning her motives, dont think it will be long before we see her "jump ship" again, only this time she wont be coming back up.
