Friday, April 9, 2010

Crazed internet fiend Stuart MacLennan is removed as Labour Candidate for Moray, there is no reason to punish him further for his stupidity

Dear All

Update on crazed internet fiend Labour Candidate Stuart MacLennan.

He has been sacked as a candidate.

On top of being sacked he has been suspended as a Labour member.

Although Labour initially backed him to remain as a candidate, they dropped him after opposition calls for him to go.

As if.

More like burying bad news to me by the Labour Party.

Mr MacLennan said he was sorry and admitted he had been "very stupid".

Some of his rants overstepped the mark as he described the elderly as "coffin dodgers".

Other outrages were;

Calling Commons speaker John Bercow a twat.

Nick Clegg a bastard.

Diane Abbot, a f****** idiot

People make mistakes, people say stupid things and people sometimes go over the score and make a right arse of it.

However, this episode shows how knee jerk the Labour Party have become in burying their mistakes.

I take the view that he said he was sorry so should have been allowed to stand but no more of it.

Politicians should have faith in the electorate.

McLennan is currently on unpaid leave from his job as a researcher for Labour MSP Pauline MacNeill.

He might have to face disciplinary action if he returns to the post.

I would say that he has been punished enough and to take further action would not be natural justice in anyway shape or form.

Other political parties should back off; it is one thing to destroy his chance of standing for elected public office but something quite different to take his livelihood off him.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. That happened to Mark McLauchlin - he lost his livelihood.

  2. George

    He is a LAWYER.

    The don't ever lose their livelihood.

    Like thieves, they never lose theirs too

  3. Dear Subrosa

    I know Mark MacLachlan lost his job, I would have handled that differently.

    And Bugger, if you check Willie Bain's website it was designed by a Stuart MacLennan.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  4. I did read somewhere that he was a lawyer but maybe he is also a geek.

    His GE Website has been pulled as has his twitter account.

    So he is now a non person.

    He never existed.


    Big Brother

  5. Dear Bugger aka Big Brother

    Message recieved and understood.

    Finally what is the deal by writing GOTIT?

    You saying I am a tit that should go?

    Fair enough anywhere special?

    I like travel!

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  6. Dear George

    The capitalisation and thus the shouting were not directed at you, honestly.

    I was speaking in character as Big Brother.

    You are no tit.

    You have been warning about Stephen Purcell way before it became fashionable.

    Have a beer for me in Glasgow as somehow tonight I would like to be across the miles tonight.

    If you want to travel, try The Cayans, I believe they have a better class of professional crook there, purely for your dastardly exposures of corruption.


    What ever happened to Paddy's Market?

    Have a good week-end.

  7. Dear Bugger

    Thank you for the high praise on the Steven Purcell thing.

    Just doing my bit of society.

    I believe the Labour Council of shame took it over to with the intention of clearing out the 'undesirables'.

    I am not sure what the current situation is at present.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
