Friday, April 30, 2010

Car crash destroys Gordon Brown's last throw of the dice, junior Labour official, "I feel like a dog that can't be kicked any more."

Dear All

Three debates and three losses by Gordon Brown!

And of course ‘bigotgate’ played badly, along with all the other stuff too numerous to mention.

Now, Labour's ill-starred election campaign takes another hit when Gordon Brown launched of a poster designed to set the agenda for the final week.

It was interrupted by a car crash.

Witnesses heard at the poster launch a long squealing of tyres followed by a green Volkswagen Golf smashing into a bus shelter only yards from the car park where the Prime Minister and nine Cabinet ministers were lined up.

It is probably an apt visualisation of how the Labour Party Campaign has run.

Disaster follows disaster follows disaster.

The driver of the crashed car, an unemployed Labour supporter was trying to avoid a dustcart.

At the time, one of the occupants was shouting abuse at Labour Ministers, as it negotiated a nearby roundabout.

Roundabouts can be tricky.

Omed Rashid, the car driver, said the rubbish truck clipped his Golf, sending it out of control.

A refuse collector called Dell denied causing the crash and was totally unapologetic.

He said;

"Half our jobs are gone left, right and centre in this city."

A junior Labour official gave a more candid take on events as they unfolded;

"I feel like a dog that can't be kicked any more."

Now, he knows what ordinary people living under Gordon Brown and the Labour Government feel like every day.

So, another Gordon Brown relaunch crashes yet again.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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