Friday, March 19, 2010

Weak Gordon Brown loses control of country as unions prepare for 'summer of discontent', corrupt Britain is broken

Dear All

First it was planes and now it is trains.


Now, the Railway signal workers have voted in favour of strikes in a row over jobs and safety.

It seems that the RMT union is picking its timing well, with planes down and now trains, the entire country will grind to a halt.

This is a major problem for the Labour Government looking increasingly impotent and estranged from the helm of Government.

The strike centres on Network Rail plans to cut jobs and shift more maintenance work to weekends.

54% of members are backing strikes according to the RMT but as yet dates have not been announced, by the dates set by British Airways staff look pretty good and would create a much bigger publicity effect.

Network Rail told the union to "stop trying to hold the country to ransom".

So, the General Election maybe played out in the mist of a ‘summer of discontent’ allowing Tories and Labour the chance to ratchet up the rhetoric of talking tough against the workers.

If the rail strikes spill out it will be the worst industrial unrest on the railways for 16 years.

A spokesman for the Department for Transport said;

"We are urging both sides in this dispute to continue talking so that any disruption for passengers can be avoided."

Already the Tories have started the ball rolling by Shadow Transport Minister Theresa Villiers saying Bob Crow was "trying to drag us back to the 70s and the dying days of the last Labour government".

She added;

"As the country struggles out of the recession, the last thing we need is the unions holding the country to ransom."

There will be no real change when Brown loses the General Election as David Cameron has no clear ideas or dynamic to change current centre ground politics.

The Tories like Labour will still ensure that the gap between rich and poor widens with the poor being targeted most.

RMT general secretary Bob Crow hammering the safety issue said;

"Nobody should be under any illusions about just how determined RMT members are to win our fight against Network Rail's cuts programme and to stop this reckless gamble with rail safety."

This is just another symptom of the inept and bad management of the Labour Government led by Gordon Brown; you cannot secure a country’s future unless you build from the bottom up.

Inequality and unfairness is now so top heavy in the entire country that Corrupt Britain is broken.

All it will take is for a few good kicks to bring the whole rotten structure down.

The sooner the better because the time to rebuild is now!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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