Saturday, March 20, 2010

Tony Blair, the 'Son of God' available for rent to Middle East Oil Companies, he is the first 'Peace Envoy' for hire, he is an obscenity to the dead

Dear All

It seems that you just cannot keep a ‘Bad News Blair’ down for lurch from one obscenity to another.

As the ‘Son of God’ and head of the Catholic Church on earth, Tony Blair has wandered the globe preaching that poverty is best and raking in circa £20 million since leaving public office.

As part of the ‘I am pretty straight kinda guy’ routine, he has been fighting a pitch battle to keep secret a lucrative deal with a multinational oil giant which has extensive interests in Iraq.

Blair has also gone to great efforts to keep hidden a £1million deal advising the ruling royal family in Iraq's neighbour Kuwait hidden.

Blair is effective using his role as Middle East Peace envoy as a vehicle for advertising himself around the globe and as a cash cow.

The amount of money Blair is pulling in is obscene given what he has done.

As the news of the secret deals finds its way to the public domain, fresh accusations that Blair is 'cashing in on his contacts' from the controversial Iraq war has prompted one MP to call it 'revolving door politics at its worst'.

Now, we know why he wanted to Middle East Peace Envoy to the quartet.

Blair has managed an unprecedented move when he persuaded the committee which vets the jobs of former ministers to keep details of both deals secret from the public for 20 months, the trick used was claiming commercially sensitive.

The Advisory Committee on Business Appointments finally found some backbone and lost patience with Blair antics and decided to ignore his objections and publish the details.

Blair has and is playing the British public for mugs as he cloaks his business dealings in a complex web of shadowy companies and partnerships which let him avoid publishing full accounts detailing all the money from his commercial ventures.

One thing is certain; ‘Rent a Blair’ is bought and paid for.

Tory MP Douglas Carswell said of Mr Blair's links to UI Energy Corporation;

“This doesn't just look bad, it stinks.”

Carswell is known for straight nonsense talking.
He added;

“It seems that the former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom has been in the pay of a very big foreign oil corporation and we have been kept in the dark about it. Even now we do not know what he was paid or what the company got out of it. We need that information now”.

Liberal Democrat MP Norman Baker equally uncharitable said;

“These revelations show that our former Prime Minister is for sale - he is driven by making as much money as possible. I think many people will find it deeply insensitive that he is apparently cashing in on his contacts from the Iraq war to make money for himself.”

It seems that Blair is one of the most odious individuals ever to hold the Office of Prime Minister, now like a vulture he likes others is picking over the corpse of Iraq.

Tony Blair leaves a bad taste in the mouth.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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