Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Tony Blair delivers speech to support Brown to a hand picked Labour audience then the press are removed and video feed cut during Q&A session

Dear All

Yesterday, Tony Blair, the ‘Son of God’ and God’s personal representative in Britain returned to throw his weight behind a deranged nut job, Gordon Brown.

As a former leader of the New Labour project, he is a constant reminder of how he has lined his pockets and littered the Middle East with dead innocent men, women and children.

The man is an obscenity.

At a meeting of a hand picked audience he gave a speech backing Gordon Brown at the Trimdon Labour Club, after the speech he held a Q & A session but the press were removed and video feed cut.

Obviously he and others couldn’t trust the hand picked apparatchiks that much and wider public weren’t found to be suitable to hear the questions or the answers.

Having been forced out by Brown’s allies in a coup, he is now prostrating himself before Brown in case Labour wins the election.

In a sycophantic display, he praised Brown by saying he had displayed ‘leadership’!

Blair isn’t an asset for the Labour Party, just a reminder of how morally corrupt Britain is, he symbolises how rotten and broken society is.

He is like a sickness, a virus feeding off Britain dead carcass and using it to thrive.

Blair coming back is an advert for 5 more bad years under Labour.

Even Labour MPs recognise this as Former defence minister Peter Kilfoyle said;

"I just think that he evokes very strong antagonism, frankly, particularly because of the Iraq War, but not only that – I think that he epitomises all that people see as wrong about New Labour."

New Labour is all about greed and privilege for the few at the expense of the many.

Tony Blair is the high Priest of avarice, he spends his time promoting himself, sunning on billionaires yachts and at their villas while telling the poorest to do without.

As Blair launched his attack on the Tories, the presentation was slick but the message was hollow and without the ring of truth.

Cameron brushed off Mr Blair's feeble attack, quipping;

"It is nice to see him making a speech that no-one is paying for."

When the Tories get in, Cameron will probably kill off Blair’s phoney Middle East peace envoy role or risk the charge that the Tories stand for nothing.

Last night Eric Pickles, the Tory Chairman welcomed Blair on the campaign trail but made himself look such an arse on Newsnight by being so cringingly embarrassing, what Pickles represents God only knows as his Prescott type ‘daft workie come good’ role fell flat.

Only the Lib Dems could string a sentence together.

It is time to end the rottenness in Britain that means destroying New Labour and Tony Blair.

People should ask Blair;

‘Are you proud you caused so many Iraqi children to die in your illegal war?’

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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