Sunday, March 21, 2010

Strathclyde Police consult Team Angiolini in proposed cash for favours invesigation, will Elish 'Labour' Angiolini allow it?

Dear All

It seems that Strathclyde Police are considering launching a “cash for favours” investigation into one of Labour’s biggest donors, Willie Haughey.

The Police have gone to the extent of consulting the prosecutor’s office in Scotland about allegations that Willie Haughey was unfairly awarded contracts.

At present the Fiscal Service in Scotland is headed by Elish ‘Labour’ Angiolini which raises the question of why consult in the first place?

‘Labour’ Angiolini is a Labour appointee.

It seems that the pressure for a full scale independent and forensic audit of Glasgow City Council and their quangos is required and needs to wide ranging.

Haughey owns City Refrigeration Holdings (CRH), who put in a bid for a contract to supply vehicles to City Building owned by the Council.

The Haughey bid was 120% higher than Swift Vehicle Rental in some respects.

Internal bid documents paint a rather odd picture with CRH price for an executive car being £200 a week, compared with the cheapest bid of £89 a week.

How is that good value for taxpayers’ money?

A rival executive said in stark terms;

“How can a company which has no vehicles whatsoever put in higher tenders than established car hire companies and win? It doesn’t make sense.”

Yes, you would have to raise an eyebrow at that fact several times.

Haughey has hinted that the interest surrounding him is politically motivated and it is “absurd” to suggest he has received favoured treatment from Labour-controlled organisations.

So, the ball is in the court of Elish ‘Labour’ Angiolini will she ensure the Police get all available assistance to proceed with their investigation?

And the Police should be looking for the locus of one Steven ‘bin laden’ Purcell so he can help with their enquiries.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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