Monday, March 8, 2010

SNP PPC Patrick Grady launches his Westminster campaign in Glasgow North, if he continues to work hard and uses the correct strategy he could win it

Dear All

Patrick Grady is the SNP Candidate for Glasgow North.

So, what would the people of Glasgow North be getting if he is elected?

A hard working individual who constantly gives up his free time to help others get elected.

Even although Patrick wasn’t standing in Glasgow North East, he was there at the start of the campaign, throughout the campaign and at the end of the campaign.

I am singling him out above all other SNP PCC standing in Glasgow for his hard work and dedication to get David Kerr elected.

Patrick’s hard work doesn’t just stop there, in Glasgow North, He and the local SNP team have done a considerable amount of work in this area which paid of in the European election as the area was won by the SNP.

He has now officially launched his bid to be the MP for Glasgow North with the help of SNP MSPs Nicola Sturgeon and Bob Doris.

The Glasgow North seat as I previously posted on before is an area that the SNP should invest time, money and resources in as it is winnable with the correct strategy and hard work.

Patrick recognises that the task he is taking on if elected in terms of what is expected of him, he said;

“People in Glasgow North deserve a Member of Parliament who will work hard for their interests and put trust back at the heart of politics”.

The SNP are using a theme of ‘local champions’ and that is exactly what Patrick will need to be to establish himself and build the necessary trust.

If he remembers that then he should do well.

The General Election is unusual because of the expenses scandal et al, so in effect there is going to be 650 by-elections in Britain.

Nicola Sturgeon MSP speaking of the work done in Glasgow North;

“The SNP team in the area has been campaigning hard to save local schools and community centres from city council cuts.

I think is he worth sticking a few quid on for a win, if the Glasgow North keep their work rate up and respond to the people’s needs.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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