Monday, March 29, 2010

SNP MP John Mason writes to Strathclyde Police asking for investigation after Purcell's drugs confession in newspaper, the Council knew

Dear All

Steven ‘bin laden’ Purcell has surfaced again to give an interview to The Sun newspaper after fleeing the City of Glasgow about a month ago to go into hiding.

In the space of that month, we have read about multiple Labour donors gets quango contracts, drugs, gangsters, multiple Glasgow Labour Councillors not gifts, Labour Party members and their relatives heading Labour controlled quangos and Purcell and his pals guzzling free champagne.

It seems the City of Glasgow is run by Labour for the benefit of Labour Party members in terms of who gets jobs and contracts.

SNP MP John Mason has written to Strathclyde Police asking them to investigate the situation that has developed.

Strathclyde Police and Audit Scotland have refused to act, this is not good enough.

SNP MP John Mason has repeated his call for a full independent investigation into the council's dealings.

He has also brought up the fact that Purcell has confirmed that he had used of illegal drugs.

So why are Strathclyde Police refusing to act in the public interest?

Could it be that the Labour Party sits on the Strathclyde Police Board?

Now, it emerges that others within Glasgow City Council in positions of trust knew that Steven ‘bin laden’ Purcell was taking drugs.

Why did they stay silent?

Purcell said;

"I told close colleagues at the council about it because I think it is important to be honest. They were happy for me to carry on - with the strict condition it didn't happen again."

Who were all the “close colleagues” involved in the cover up?

What positions of trust do they hold?

The Steven ‘bin laden’ Purcell interview far from being a closure event opens up far more questions.

It is time these questions were answered.

With SNP MP John Mason writing to Strathclyde Police yet again, they have the opportunity to do their job which they have steadfastly refused to do previously.

The questions of Glasgow Labour Party sleaze still hang over the City of Glasgow.

The most important ones are who are the people connected to the Labour Party who have benefited from the people of Glasgow millions and what members of the Labour Party, their family, friends and associates have been given jobs and contracts.

A full independent inquiry is needed into what the Glasgow Labour Party has been doing in the City of Glasgow.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. snp Politician trys to pressure police to investigate Political opponent In order to discredit opponents party.

    very Nixonian

    question- can snp be trusted to respect and uphold the Independence of the Scottish legal system

    answer- John mason and George Laird say 'NO'

  2. Dear Mxyzptlk

    Sticking words in my word, how very New Labour of you.

    Have you been on any Labour Party political blogging wickedness courses?

    You seem like an aspiring politician!

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  3. Ignoring mixed up alphabet man where are the other political parties in this whole affair or can't they see any party gain so nothing to do with us gov.

    For a weeks we have been heavily moderated and had posting closed early signs ever since this story broke.

    Did anyone from Pacific Quay have a free pass to these regular friday meetings with Purcell?
