Monday, March 29, 2010

Scottish Labour MP Adam Ingram wants a place at the big trough after he retires from Westminster, he isn't worth the money

Dear All

Surprise surprise, a Scottish MP, a former Labour minister is caught up in the allegations of lobbying for cash.

Former armed forces minister Adam Ingram has been secretly filmed offering his insider knowledge and government connections to commercial clients.

Ingram is Labour MP for East Kilbride, Strathaven & Lesmahagow and if you have a few thousand anyone else anywhere.

It seems that the Labour Party all levels is drowning in a sea of sleaze which will not go away.

This is reminiscent of the dying days of John Major’s administration were no matter what they did to try and get back on track, every turn led them further in a downward spiral.

Like Hoon, Hewitt and Byers, Ingram is standing down at the General Election and he intends to maximise his MP position for personal profit.

SNP MP Angus MacNeil said;

“The Prime Minister must now properly investigate fully the cash-for-access issue. It is an affront to democracy that several former Labour ministers are either profiting or attempting to profit from the contacts they made when supposedly working for the people of this country. It is clear many of them have been preoccupied with lining their own pockets instead of helping the people.”

What is needed is an Act of Parliament that prohibits serving MPs for lobbying for cash, indeed this should stretch to a complete ban on paid second jobs between the hours of 9 – 5.

I would say this isn’t an unreasonable ask for an MP as they are elected to serve their constituents.

Until a measure such as this is brought forward then trust in politicians will be further eroded and that can’t be good for democracy.

Labour MP Diane Abbott recently commented on This Week that it was only a tiny minority who have disgraced Parliament.

I look at her register of interests and I wonder if she thinks her antics coining in thousands of pounds each year has any benefit for her constituents.

No wonder she gags her staff after they leave her employment, take a look at the time she spends doing non parliamentary work.

It maybe legal under the rules but her little ‘cottage industry’ certainly leaves a bad taste in the mouth.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights

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