Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Scottish Government launch 'Active Nation' to combat obesity crisis, DIY and tips on a website isn't a strategy, its a cop out, coaching and tuition

Dear All

Recently I wrote a post on the Obesity problem on 23rd February called,

‘SNP MSP Shona Robison look closely at this picture, it is the solution to the obesity crisis, exercise, coupled with tuition and education’.

The post can be read here.

The premise of the post was that exercise must be coupled with tuition and education if it is to make a difference in the lives of people.

I put forward the idea of ‘Active Scotland’ and funnily enough, the Scottish Government has come up with an idea launched today called, ‘Active Nation’.

Health Minister Shona Robison is now launching the Scottish Government’s drive to ensure the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow will inspire people to get fitter.

It is not Games such as the Commonwealth Games that gets people fitter; research conducted in countries that staged major events bears this out.

It is access to tuition and coaching which is the key factor; my experiences as a fitness instructor bear that out.

Shona Robison is under the impression that people can set personal health goals.

In general terms, they can but in specific terms they really can’t, of course people can say things like they want to get fitter but that is generalisation divorced from technical reality.

She said;

“Active Nation is a national brand and we are keen to have its aims promoted in local campaigns. A lot of events happening locally can be part of the campaign. We are keen to support everything that is part of the same drive towards a healthier population.”

This will not solve the problem.

The problem can only be solved by a radical change in government thinking; you have to produce more fitness instructors and sports coaches if you wish to create a more ‘Active Nation’.

Ms Robison added;

“For too long Scotland has been seen as the ‘sick man of Europe’. Our nation’s health is improving but not quickly enough, especially in deprived communities”.

Are you providing the extra funding for instructors and facilities?

If you want people fitter, there is a financial cost involved.

You can’t do it with by giving people ‘tips’ on a website.

She also stated;

“This together with our recently launched obesity strategy and our radical plans to tackle alcohol misuse, further reduce smoking and encourage healthy diet demonstrates our determination to get to grips with these issues.”

Can I say one word to you!


It is one thing to go to the glitz and razzmatazz of the party were everyone loves you, clearing up after is something else.

You have to deliver funding, facilities and instructors if you want an ‘Active Nation’.

When I taught weight training at Glasgow University, one of my pupils was asked by a Sport and Recreation Service instructor;

“why do you go to George Laird for weight training and not us”?

She answered;

“because he is like a proper instructor”.

SNP MSP Shona Robison; you have to provide proper instructors.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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