Saturday, March 6, 2010

Psychologically flawed Gordon Brown uses British Troops as human shields as Chilcot Inquiry reveals he gave troops the bare minimum of support

Dear All

It seems that the psychologically flawed Labour Prime minister has gone and visited British troops in Afghanistan.

For a photo opportunity!

And he needs it as two former Army chiefs criticise him for denying troops in Iraq vital equipment such as helicopters.

It is a classic New Labour diversion tactic to try and wrap Brown up in the flag as a supporter of British troops.

In other words Brown is using the troops as a shield.

With several people at the Iraq inquiry giving evidence that Brown blocked equipment including Geoff Hoon, people are plain tired of his lies.

The facts speak for themselves, Lord Guthrie, ex-chief of the defence staff, wrote in the press that armed forces had been denied a request for more helicopters.


Brown said at the Iraq inquiry quoting from his selective memory;

"At any point, commanders were able to ask for equipment that they needed and I know of no occasion when they were turned down."

It seems that the entire MOD didn’t right up to the Minister for Defence!

Is Brown’s statement of not knowing credible?

Tory Shadow defence Secretary Liam Fox said of Brown’s sudden interest in British Troops;

"To do it the day after he goes to the Chilcot inquiry when two former chiefs of the defence staff are accusing him of not telling the whole truth about the funding of the armed forces, I think is extremely cynical."

Lord Guthrie paints a completely different picture of Gordon Brown as Chancellor when he said the Ministry of Defence (MoD) had "received the bare minimum from the chancellor, who wanted to give the military as little as he could get away with".

Does that look like the actions of a man who was fully supporting British Troops?

Lord Boyce, former chief of the Defence Staff up to the beginning of the invasion of Iraq said;

"[Gordon Brown] is dissembling, he's being disingenuous. It's just not the case that the Ministry of Defence was given everything it needed".

Two former defence chiefs and a former government defence minister effectively call Brown a liar, I have to go with the ‘wisdom of crowds’ on this one.

A lot of British troops are dead, blown apart in the most horrible fashion all because Gordon Brown supplied “the bare minimum”.

Now, he is hiding among brave soldiers instead of facing his accusers; then there are the victims of the dead, who speaks for them.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

1 comment:

  1. Standard Nu Lab pic exactly the same when Bliar came to Iraq. Surround me with effnix so I look votable! Sad really, there's no need.....I despair!
