Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Labour PM Gordon Brown helped create a vicious underclass in society, now a 13 year old boy rapes 3 year old girl, Broken Britain

Dear All

Britain is a corrupt and broken country; it is literally drowning in its own filth before our very eyes.

The latest example is a 13-year-old boy who raped a three-year-old girl.

According to Gordon Brown of the Labour Government, society isn’t broken, what does he call this then?

The boy was caught when the little girl’s mother came home and found him assaulting the child.

This led to him confessing a further serious sexual assault to the Police.

Now, the 13-year-old boy has rightly been put on the sex offenders' register for his despicable acts of depravity.

He has pleaded to charges of rape and sexual touching during an appearance at Blackpool Magistrates Court.

District Judge Jeff Brailsford said;

“I know you accept that this was a dreadful assault you committed on this little girl. One can only hope there will be no lasting effect on her and that she can put it behind her and will forget”.

People never forget.

Brailsford added;

“I accept you had a difficult childhood, which was one of neglect. I also accept there is good evidence to suggest you were abused as a child and this helped to form the way you behaved.”

This is Britain after over a decade of Labour Party rule, morally bankrupt and desolate where a vicious underclass of people exists who are predators.

Steven Townley, the boy’s lawyers said;

“This appears to be a case where a victim becomes an offender, by mimicking behaviour. I understand that the person my client says assaulted him has now been charged”.

The task of the next incoming Tory Westminster Government isn’t solely to repair the damage of Gordon Brown’s economic policies but to try and rebuild communities in England.

When people have no stake in society, they have no future.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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