Sunday, March 21, 2010

Labour MSP Jack McConnell set to abandon his Motherwell and Wishaw 'pigsty' to work for Tory Government, staying in luxury hotels aboard came in handy

Dear All

It has come to pass that Jack McConnell, Labour’s former First Minister is in secret talks about securing a role in an incoming Conservative government.

Deserting the sinking ship?

See what happens when you ‘rob’ a man of his peerage and High Commissioner’s job!

McConnell has been meeting shadow foreign secretary William Hague about taking up an international post in a David Cameron administration.

It shows that the Tories are just as clueless as Labour, apart from staying in luxury hotels in foreign countries, McConnell knows sod all about foreign affairs.

As part of the bribe to let Wendy Alexander be leader of the Labour MSP Group at Holyrood, McConnell was bought off with little goodies.

He sold out for a job in Malawi then Labour reengaged on the deal.

As a Motherwell and Wishaw MSP has completely disappeared at Holyrood and for all intensive purposes has struggled to be a rank and file MSP parliament’s backbenches.

A senior Tory source said;

“It is no surprise that the former first minister who has a real passion about international development is looking to life beyond this Labour government”.

So, if Cameron gets in then expect McConnell to throw in the MSP towel pretty damn quick regardless of what Labour thinks.

There is no future for him in a dying organisation and he isn’t the first to want to abandon Iain Gray the ‘East Coast Weasel’ and ‘leader’ of Labour in Scotland.

Cathy ‘Moron’ Jamieson and Margaret ‘Liar’ Curran are also baling out.

Tony Blair first went with the idea of ‘big tent’ politics but having McConnell in the tent makes no sense unless there are hellholes that even Tories on a good earner don’t want to go to.

A senior Tory source added;

“David Cameron will always welcome people of talent, whatever their political background, if they are prepared to commit to the Conservative cause.”


It’s the money stupid.

SNP MSP John Wilson said the forthcoming defection to the Tory Camp showed Mr McConnell believed Labour was going to lose the upcoming General Election.

Wilson added;

“The voters of Motherwell and Wishaw are being reminded once again that they are being represented by a part-time MSP, who is happier to jaunt around the world than he is dealing with issues in his own constituency.”

McConnell formerly described his area of Motherwell as a pigsty, what a diplomat he will make.

A McConnell source preferred to put a different shine on McConnell’s adventures with taxpayers’ money;

“Through his job in the foreign office, Jack regularly meets senior politicians from other parties to discuss his work with the UN in building democratic structures in war-torn countries. Building up democracy in countries can only be done effectively on a cross-party basis.”

You might think he would want to put all his energy into fixing the ‘Motherwell pigsty’ first, but like Gordon Brown when there is a problem it seems that Jack jumps a jet!

The Labour Party stabbed Jack McConnell in the back; this is his revenge, joining the Tories.

He’s got a ticket to ride and he don’t care!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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