Friday, March 26, 2010

Labour MP Geoff Hoon thinks he has a 'right' to be greedy because he stood for public office and fought elections

Dear All

It seems that disgraced former Defence Secretary Geoff Hoon thinks that everyone is incredibly stupid.

He says of the 'cash-for-access' row that he was like anyone working their notice.

More like working their ticket if you ask me.

Hoon thinks he is perfectly entitled to look for opportunities for after he quits politics, that is true by at the present time he is still an MP paid by the state and was using his position for personal gain.

That is not right.

No MP by law should be allowed to enter into paid lobbying on the behalf of individuals and organisations.

If they take up a case it should be based on merit.

Hoon has since been suspended from the Labour Party and sacked from his NATO Advisory post.

In the sting by Channel 4 dispatches and the Sunday Times, Hoon claimed was using his unpaid Nato role to drum up lucrative work, saying it had provided insights commercially valuable to the arms industry.

Geoff Hoon has declared that he was like any other employee about to leave one job and thinking about their next move, except he isn’t an ‘employee’, he is an employer.

The arrogance and greed of Labour MPs is breathtaking, even when caught, Hoon says he has a right to it after 35 years in public life and fighting a 'number of elections'.

Hopefully those in the private sector will take on board that Hoon like Stephen Byers and Patricia Hewitt bring nothing to the table of any commercial company.

The General Election is an opportunity to kick out the corrupt and people should size this chance with gusto.

Hoon charges £3,000 a day for his ‘help’ but I am sure better help can be found much cheaper and with less baggage attached.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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