Sunday, March 14, 2010

Labour MP Anne Moffat plans appeal before vote to de-select her takes place, MSP Iain Gray accused of being a disloyal plotter against her

Dear All

It seems that Labour MP Anne Moffat saga has taken a new twist as Labour leader Iain Gray, Mr. Invisible of the Fantastic bore is aid to be plotting against her in order to take over her Westminster seat.

Iain Gray has failed to make any impact as Labour leader of the Labour MSP Group in Holyrood.

First Minister’s questions are about him carping and whinging about endless trivia.

Friends of Anne Moffat claimed Gray is working behind the scenes and wants to be the area’s next MP in case boundary changes cost him his Holyrood seat in 2011.

He is not alone in Labour MSPs who are joining the exodus from Holyrood to Westminster.

Cathy ‘Moron’ Jamieson and Margaret ‘Liar’ Curran, both frontbenchers can’t wait to be anonymous and meaningless Labour cannon fodder at Westminster.

A spokesman for Gray said;

“I can assure you this is absolute nonsense. Iain is totally committed to winning the Scottish election in 2011.”

Might you recent, the Labour leader of Glasgow City Council denied he had a ‘chemical dependency’ then the truth come out.

Moffat faces de-selection this week in a vote of party members because she is utterly disliked but she is playing for time and if a vote goes against her she will stick in an appeal.

Through-out her unpopular tenure Iain Gray has been noticeable by conspicuously failed to give her any public support at any time.

Moffat has been involved in a series of arguments over expenses, treatment of staff, three of whom she sacked and relations with local activists.

It came to ahead in 2007 when local branches voted to replace her as their candidate but she was still able to cling on to power by using the trade union block vote.

Things further went downhill when the local branch was suspended for four months after a motion of no confidence in Ms Moffat.

Moffat like king Kanute has been fighting to hold back the tide of dissent ever since unsuccessfully.

Time however has caught up with her in in January 2010, a group of delegates from the local party voted five-to-one to choose another candidate.

Supporters for Moffat rounded on Gray who faces losing his seat in a swing to the SNP, they said;

“She’s been systematically carved out of this job. To bully and harass a woman who had a brain haemorrhage last year is absolutely immoral.”

This shows how bad things are for Moffat, she is relying on the sympathy vote to garner support.

Already before the vote is taken she is planning an appeal as postal voting is not being allowed, she says this will disadvantage her because people might not be able to come on the night.

I think it is safe to say that everything is being done to ensure she will lose by Labour Bosses.

No more Tuffet for Ms Moffat.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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