Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Labour MP Anne Moffat accuses 'East Coast Weasel' MSP Iain Gray of being 'cowardly' and refusing to stand up and act like a man, he is too weak

Dear All

In what is possibly the final shot of the Anne Moffat saga, she has reacted angrily to her party's decision to deselect her.

The focus of her venom is directed at the ‘East Coast Weasel’ Labour MSP Iain Gray.

The East Lothian MP has accused Gray of acting in a "cowardly" way.

Through-out her alleged ordeal at the hands of East Lothian Labour Activists, Iain Gray has steadfastly refused in any way to support her.

When the news of her de-selection came through all that the weak leader of the Labour Group in Holyrood could muster up in an interview was the process had been democratic.

Labour and democracy!

The de-selection of Moffat is a further blow to the authority of Iain Gray as this shows he couldn’t control matters even his own area.

It is the reality that will now focus Labour minds at Holyrood as they contemplate the future Holyrood election 2011.

Already Gray is haemorrhaging MSPs who want to clear out and go to Westminster, Cathy ‘Moron’ Jamieson and Margaret ‘Liar’ Curran have clearly signalled with their feet.

Better to be a mindless drone in Westminster than Minister in any possible Gray administration.

It can only be a matter of time before West Coast Labour push for the removal of Gray who is one of the most unpopular leader leaders of modern political Scotland.

Most people wait to get into Ministerial Office before running out of steam, Gray ran out of steam as a mere opposition MSP.

Of Gray; Moffat said;

Gray "just stood back and said nothing".

Not the hallmark of a leader taking charge of his brief, rather Gray is like a man who knows he is inadequate and the less said the better.

On Labour bullying she added;

"I want to take this opportunity to publicly put on record my absolute conviction that I have been the victim of systematic and sustained bullying at all levels of the Labour Party."

She made the example of the media being informed of her de-selection before she was formally notified by the NEC as a "simple example".

SNP MP and Westminster leader Angus Robertson said;

"Ms Moffat's condemnation of Iain Gray is a damning indictment of his leadership and his local role in the East Lothian Labour Party.

It seems that people are waking up to how weak is the grasp of power of the ‘East Coast Weasel’ Iain Gray.

When it came to time to stand up like a man, Labour MSP Iain Gray was found wanting citing ‘a big boy did and ran away’.

Labour’s not working!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Have you thought George that his silence betrayed a deeper motive than vacuity?

    He wants the seat for himself!

  2. Dear Bugger

    I don't think London Labour would want Gray.

    I think it might go the way of an all women short list.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
