Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Labour Government Minister Kevan Jones smears Joanna Lumley after she upheld an agreement to work behind the scenes to help Gurkhas

Dear All

One of the surprise campaigns of recent years which fired up the public was the Gurkha Campaign led by Joanna Lumley.

She was a powerful advocate speaking with passion and righteousness.

The meeting on the steps with Phil Woolas utterly destroyed the Government’s position as she tore into him in what was a commanding performance.

She fought and won a victory for the brave men of Nepal who have served Britain for generations.

Job done, she walked away after getting assurances by the Brown Government.

Now, Veterans minister Kevan Jones has carried out a ghastly attack on Joanna Lumley who’s only ‘crime’ was to stand up against the Labour Government.

Jones using Parliamentary privilege decided to smear for her "deathly silence" on Gurkhas' welfare.

It should be pointed out that Joanna Lumley agree to keep quiet after assurances were given to her that the Labour Government would deal with the matter.

She and other campaigners had been specifically asked by the government to continue their work behind the scenes, rather than speaking out publicly.

At an impassioned press conference in Westminster, Ms Lumley made clear that she regarded Mr Jones's comments as a "smear".

She said;

"It has been suggested that I somehow spread falsehoods amongst the Gurkha communities both here and in Nepal about what they could expect. That is a lie and, therefore, a smear. The people who made those accusations must know them to be untrue."

What followed was the second climb down by the Labour Government with Gordon Brown having to telephone her personally to apologise for the actions of Labour Minister Kevan Jones.

Jones has since made a public apology to Joanna Lumley.

He said;

"I apologise unreservedly for any offence caused to Joanna Lumley by my remarks to the home affairs committee – this was not intended."

Joanna Lumley is one of those who commands respect for her passion, dedication and thoughtfulness on behalf of others.

She acts in a way we would like all MPs to behave but sadly few do, in the best interests of the people.

It seems that the Labour Party don’t forget or forgive people who beat them, this time it has blown up in their faces.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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