Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Hero rushes to rescue of child as teachers stand in the heat, then they call the Police on her for trespassing during rescue

Dear All

There are a lot of people in this country that need sacked from their present job.

A boy of five is left stranded up a tree at school because of a bizarre health and safety policy which banned teachers from rescuing him.

The staff following guidelines retreated inside the school building to ‘observe from a distance’ so the child would not get ‘distracted and fall’.

What a load of crap.

When a woman noticed the child in peril she immediately when to his aid.

Her ‘reward’ by the school, reported to the Police for trespassing by the headteacher.

So is this another example of how the moral corruption of the Labour Government is filtering down through society?

Punishing heroic deeds is now seen as a ‘crime’.

After the rescue, associate head when ask why no rescue said;

“what do you expect me to do, exactly, dear?”

His job or is that too much to expect that he will fulfill his duty of care?

The school later delivered a letter through Ms Barrett’s door telling her they had contacted the Police.

Next morning she was visited by a PCSO who told her she had committed a trespassing offence by helping the young schoolboy down from the tree.

So, are children safe in school?

Not at schools run by Wiltshire Council.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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