Saturday, March 13, 2010

Glasgow's Laziest MP Ian 'the Deerhunter' Davidson claims lack of voter registration is a scandal, much like his work record at Westminster?

Dear All

100,000 Glaswegians are missing!

Not presumed dead, just not taking the time to be on the voting register.

There has been scandal after scandal in politics which has effectively turned off a good number of people.

Why should you vote when it is a corrupt country?

Why should you bother to fill in the form?

Aren’t they all the same with their faces in the trough?

That is the kind of rationale that runs through people’s mind.

If I vote for candidate X what guarantee will I get that they will be a good elected official?

The sad truth is none.

You can only listen to them and hope they will live up to their promises and if you elect them, you can view their work in various websites of how committed they are to their community.

An example of a bad MP is William Bain, out of 26 written questions asked in Parliament; only 3 mention his constituency and none directly mention anyone by name or any case.

Of the 8 debates he has spoken in since being elected, only 2 mentions of his constituency, one a general question and the other a throw away remark about the three asylum seekers who committed suicide, even didn’t even mention their names in his one line sentence.

William Bain isn’t a good MP and the people of Glasgow North East are his meal ticket.

An example of a good MP is SNP MP John Mason, Glasgow East; he since taking office has asked 227 written questions and spoken in 45 debates.

Although there is a difference in length of service, John Mason although having longer service easily wins over the Labour Candidate in volume and quality of questioning.

And that is what you are sticking your X on the ballot paper to hopefully get, a good MP, a local champion.

The General Election for Westminster is described as being 650 by-elections because of the erosion of trust.

Ian “the Deerhunter” Davidson, Labour MP for Glasgow South West, described the “culture of non-registration” in the city as “a scandal”.

Davidson is one of the longest serving MP in the City of Glasgow as well as one of the greediest and laziest.

His record is a magnificent record of non achievement for the people of Glasgow South West.

He asked only 18 written questions last year and spoke in only 22 debates.

And he rarely mentions the people who vote for him.

So, should you vote?

The answer is yes!

And you should find out as much as possible about the people who are standing in your area to make an informed choice.

People like Labour MP Ian Davidson deliver nothing to the people of Glasgow South West; they don’t get effective representation or expect it, such is Davidson’s lack of interest in the area.

So, I say to the people of Glasgow South West, get the forms, fill them in and vote Chris Stephens, the SNP Candidate into office.

It is the only way to get rid of people like Davidson and get real representation.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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